Surviving (Surrender 2) - Page 41

The conversation turns to safer subjects that Declan can participate in until we finish the wine. When we say goodnight, I realize everything is back to normal.

Chapter 16

I Need to Hear You Say It

I have never, and I mean never seen The Steamroom this packed. The owners did a small expansion over the summer, which increased their capacity, but there’s no way it would allow for this many people. I wish we would have arranged to go in the back door because I am pretty sure my ass has been grabbed a dozen times trying to get to the backroom.

“Hey, sexy, where you going in such a hurry? Let me and my friends buy you a drink.” The guy talking to me smells so strongly of whisky I cover my nose.

I don’t get a chance to respond because Mark is at my side leading me gently away. He gives the guy a death stare, and he backs away quickly. I hold onto Mark’s elbow and use my other hand to pull Charlie behind me.

When we finally get to the backroom, it’s much calmer than the rest of the bar. The owner, TJ, is on the couch talking to Cooper and Declan. Blake is on the phone but waves at Charlie who walks over to him. I watch as he hangs up and pulls her into a kiss probably meant for a more private setting.

On our drive here, we talked more about her insecurities regarding Blake. She told Abbi and Ella the same things she told me yesterday, and they agreed that she needed to talk to him. Especially since she has a job now and won’t have every day to spend with him. She also told them the story about him meeting her parents, and they howled at her dad’s reaction.

Now that I see them together, I truly think she has nothing to be worried about. He’s definitely into her as much as she is him.

Abbi goes back out into the bar to meet Jimi. I look around the room and try to find familiar faces. Since Ella has also disappeared, I stand by the wall watching the surroundings waiting for Declan to finish.

He waves for me to join him. When I get to the couch, he pulls me down to his lap and kisses me quickly then goes back to their conversation. I learn that the expansion and outside seating addition allows for one hundred and fifty more people. Apparently, my and Kelly’s messages on the websites and twitter brought out the crowd. The fact that this is Sayge’s first show since June, and their popularity has grown has the bouncer turning people away at the door. We chitchat a little more with TJ before he leaves.

“Raven, when you come into a room where I am, I want you to come to me first. No getting a beer or standing against a wall. You come to me.”

“I wanted to give you some privacy. It would have been rude to interrupt.”

“No, what’s rude is not kissing me the minute you saw me. It’s rude to make me wait to have you in my arms.”

“Calm down, caveman. Don’t you think you’re overreacting?”

“Not when it comes to you. Now let’s talk about that kiss.” He covers my mouth with his and nips at my lip to slip through. His ring cuts into me as our tongues swirl. He decided to shave this morning, and I miss the scruff. I tilt my head to get better access when as he slides his hands up my thighs. He adjusts my position when I feel drips of water on my forehead.

“What the fuck!” he yells as he pulls away. Charlie is standing to our side with a cup and a smile on her face.

“Charlie, you’re already on my shit list–why the fuck are you flicking water at us?” he asks her through gritted teeth.

“I’m trying to find a way to get you two to stop with all the lovey dovey shit all the time. It’s still disgusting.” She answers.

Declan growls at her. Actually growls.

Charlie turns serious as she says, “I am sorry for the way I acted, Declan.”

“I’d be a lot more forgiving if you hadn’t broken up my first kiss of the night.”

“Oh, come on, you expect me to believe you haven’t kissed Raven all day?”

“No, Charlie, I kissed Raven today. I said my first kiss of the night. There’s a huge difference.” he clarifies.

I want to say something, but I’m enjoying the banter between them. After a few more jabs back and forth, Declan laughs and Charlie smiles.

Cooper waves across the room to Blake and Declan letting them know it’s time to go on stage. I walk him to the stage door, and he kisses me quickly. Abbi and Jimi are at the bar when I get there. We talk for a few minutes before I’m yanked back against a hard body. I turn to find Declan with a furious look on his face.

“Dec, what’s wrong?”

“Mark told me about the assholes in the bar grabbing your ass and trying to buy you drinks. I need you to stay back here tonight.”

“Honey, it wasn’t a big deal. And besides Mark saved me.”

“Raven, promise me.”

Tags: Ahren Sanders Surrender Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024