Surviving (Surrender 2) - Page 38

Nate’s in the hall with a shit-eating grin waiting for me to open. “Sorry to interrupt man, but Raven’s phone is blowing up. I thought she may need to check it out.” He hands me her phone and goes back down the hall.

Raven meets me back in the bed and sends a few texts to her friends she would fill them in on the details tomorrow. We watch TV until she falls asleep. Thinking back through the day, I smile knowing it couldn’t have gone any better.


Loud noises from the kitchen wake me and I groan remembering we have a house full of people. Trying to push them out of my mind and go back to sleep, I reach for Raven, but her side of the bed is empty and cold. I do not like this.

I find her in the kitchen with my dad making breakfast for everyone. She hands me a cup of coffee, smiling sweetly but I give her the evil eye, letting her know I’m not happy.

My dad and Raven carry on their conversation about her upcoming school year and I join in to help with breakfast prep. Once everything is ready, she goes to wake up the three sleeping idiots in the living room.

“Dec, how’s it going?” my dad asks cautiously. I know he’s referring to my relationship status.

“It’s fine dad, she took me back and now I have to figure out a way to get re-engaged.”

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem. She’s still just as in love with you as before she left.”

“I hope so, I have a little plan in mi–” I don’t finish my sentence because Raven is squealing from the other room. I drop my mug in the sink and take off running.

“Please stop, please stop, I’m gonna pee all over you.” Raven’s pleading with my three asshole best friends. They have tag teamed her and she’s wiggling on the floor as each of them tickles a different part of her body.

“No way, babe, you’re gonna to admit how much you missed us before we stop.” Cooper tells her.

“Never, I’ll never admit it. Even if I have to clean Declan’s floor, you won’t make me.” She’s breathless now, trying to get away from them. When I see Nate’s hand on the bare skin of her stomach, my mind goes crazy.

“Motherfuckers, want to get your hands off?” I command.

Each of them moves away slowly but my tone doesn’t scare them. Cooper has the balls to kiss her on the cheek when he helps her up.

“I came to wake you guys up for breakfast, not be mauled. However, since I’m in such a good mood, you’re still welcome to eat.” She announced to them ignoring me.

They rush to the kitchen as she approaches me. “Did you wake up grumpy?”

“No, I woke up to an empty bed, which I do not like. You’re hardly wearing any clothes and now those horny idiots are probably picturing you naked.”

“Tsk, Tsk. Such a grouch. Maybe when you eat, you’ll feel better. And to let you know, these are perfectly acceptable pajamas.” She ignores my rant and kisses me on the cheek making sure to rub her nipples against my bare chest.

“Just so you know, when everyone leaves, we are going back to bed until tomorrow.”

“That’s fine sweetheart. I think we have a lot to discuss anyways. Like how you guys sand-bagged me at MJ’s yesterday and how I’m now heading to Vegas in a month.”

“We’ll discuss anything you want, please help me get these fools out of here.”


It seemed like hours, but everyone has finally left. Cooper confirmed our next month’s schedule with The Steamroom, and we have all access to the stage tomorrow for practice before we play on Thursday night. Jay called and Raven agrees to meet him tomorrow to discuss the websites before handing the blog over to Kelly, and they discuss the marketing for the iHeartRadio appearance.

Raven talks to her girlfriends and parents forever, filling them in on the newest updates. I finally make her hang up with the promise of a night out. So much for going back to bed all day. I make dinner plans and text everyone we know together not to call us unless it’s an emergency. With Raven starting school next week, I need all the time I can with her before our lives get crazy.

Chapter 15

Charlie...Oh Charlie


I fear looking at my phone because I know I’ll have to get up and get ready for the day. I have to meet Charlie for lunch but really don’t want to get out of bed. Declan moves against me, and his morning erection pressing into my back sets my body on fire.

Last night was another emotional rollercoaster. After we got home from dinner, I made him explain to me how he wrote “Surviving.” I suspect he skipped over some of the details, but hearing the pain and hurt he was in made my heart ache. He held me close when I cried, soothing me to calm down.

Tags: Ahren Sanders Surrender Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024