Surviving (Surrender 2) - Page 31

“Thank goodness, we haven’t had any time to talk since you got back, tell me what’s going on.”

I start with Declan. I fill her in on everything minus the great sex. When I tell her he still refers to me as his fiancée; she looks down at my hand.

“How do you feel about that? You had an emotional few months, and you’re not even wearing a ring.” She points out.

“I don’t know how to feel. I’m the one who gave the

ring back so I shouldn’t be upset, but I kinda wonder if he’s going to return it. Of course, I still want to marry him. He’s the love of my life. But I’ll be damned if I ask for it back.”

“I think he’s dying to get it on your finger. If you ask me, I bet he’d marry you tomorrow if you’d do it.”

“Maybe not tomorrow, but as soon as I graduate I will.”

“Have you heard from Finn?”

“Yes, and it was great. I talked to him a few nights ago, and he loves his new position. He’s doing mostly online classes, so his nights are tied up, and still living in Jack’s guest house. He sounded really good. I miss him.”

“So does Robbie, but I think this is good for him.”

“Me too, Mama, me too.”

Dinner goes well, and Declan fills my parents in on his summer and our plans to meet MJ tomorrow. My dad seems thoroughly impressed with the progress Sayge made during the summer. Robbie is working for my dad full time now, and he’s found a condo that’s close to me and the offices. He signs the lease this week. Since he has no furnishings, my mom and I offer to shop for him for the basics. He looks relieved at the suggestion. He gives us a hard budget and makes us promise stick with neutral colors. We almost have a knock down drag out when he has a bigger budget for his TV and entertainment system than his whole kitchen. I try to explain the importance of a fully stocked kitchen and nice linens, but it falls on deaf ears. I finally give up when my dad and Declan agree with Robbie. I guess being in the military for so long carved his opinion on sheets and towels.

After we finish cleaning up, Declan and I say our goodbyes and Robbie follows us out. He’s meeting up with Tripp and a few other guys tonight.

When we pull into Declan’s driveway, my heart races; I haven’t been here in almost three months. He senses my unease and lifts me up to carry me into his house.

He sets me down in the living room and takes my bag to his room. I follow him trying to figure out what feels different. The place is clean, and nothing’s out of place, but something is amiss.

Then I figure it out. Our pictures are missing. He still has family and friends, but anything with me is gone. I see a few frames in a bag on his bedroom floor, and I go to investigate.

“I haven’t had time to unpack those.” He tells me quietly.

“I understand.” My voice cracks because I know why he put them away.

“Shhh, sweet girl, you got it all wrong. I haven’t had time to unpack from the summer. I took all those on the road with me. I needed to see you every day.”

“Oh my God, that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” A tear slides down my cheek.

He laughs as he wipes it away. “I guess I haven’t done a bang-up job at being sweet because to me it sounds pretty pathetic.”

“Nope, pretty sure it earns a reward.”

He grins at me. “A reward huh? What did you have in mind?”

“I meant to give this to you the other night, but things got crazy. I bought you something in Paris. When I saw it, I thought of you.” I go to my bag and bring out the plaque I bought. When I hand it to him, he looks at me weirdly.

“It’s in French and says, ‘Music is the soul of the life around us.’”

“Wow, it’s beautiful. Thank you.” He says quietly.

I walk over and pull his face down to mine. I start by kissing on his eyelids and pepper my way down his cheek. Once I get to his lip ring, I nibble with my lips until he opens his mouth to accept me. He slams his body into mine. I devour his taste as if I’m starving. His hands slip under my shirt, and he runs his fingertips lightly over the skin from hip to hip. I raise my arms over my head so he can remove it altogether, but he continues to trace his fingertips over my stomach. The air is cool against the exposed skin, but my insides are on fire. I’m about to beg him to undress me when my phone rings.

I break the kiss and to see who it is. As soon as her name flashes, I deflate. I have to answer.

“Sweetheart, I’m sorry but this is Charlie. I need to take it.”

“You’re kidding me. Even from the fucking doghouse she cock-blocks me.”

Tags: Ahren Sanders Surrender Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024