Sexy Six (The Bennett Brothers 2) - Page 115

Typical Bizzy.

My pulse starts to race when I see Nick’s name.

Nick: I heard you took off for the weekend. Have a good time. Let me know when you get home.

Completely bland, devoid of any emotion. No Sweet Peach, no mention of my absence at the game, nothing.

Curiosity gets the best of me, and I Google Nick’s name to check if they won the game. The search produces hundreds of results, but the one that catches my eye is from one hour ago. I groan when I see it’s a blog post on Shannon Says. I’m tempted to close out of it when the screen fills with a video that resembles a celebration. Stupidly, I press the play button and wait.

The scene starts off with so much cheering and celebrating, it’s hard to hear. Shannon flips the recording to her and starts yelling.

“Hey, guys! Shannon Rails here for this special treat for all you Shannon Says viewers. Today, I’m with the Miami football team that has clinched their place in the playoffs with the win today. As you can hear, the celebration is underway in the locker room.

As much as I’d love to keep talking, let’s see what’s happening with our winning team!”

She flips the image again, and I’m transported into the locker room where people are wall-to-wall clapping and whooping as the team enters. A few guys I’ve met before, including Eddie, walk into the limelight, dancing and pumping their fists in the air. There’s so much noise it’s hard to understand anything until the crowd starts chanting, “Sexy Six”.

My heart lodges in my throat when I see him. Like the others, he’s removed his shoulder pads and is fresh off the field. The tank top he’s wearing is visibly drenched with sweat, and he’s dirty. Memories flood my mind, and my mouth waters instantly, thinking he’s the sexiest man on the earth at this moment.

He gives a few high fives then waves humbly in the air. His blue eyes shine with happiness when he spins in a circle pointing to his teammates.

“This isn’t me. This is us!” he yells, and the crowd ‘whoops’ again. The room starts to quiet when he waves his hands to the ground, trying to encourage silence.

“I’m so proud to be a part of this team for so many reasons. Today is proof that hard work and dedication pay off. When we get our heads in the game and focus, anything is possible. Keep doing what we’re doing, and we’re headed back to the Super Bowl!”

There’s no way to hear anything over the triumphant cries as families swarm the guys and champagne corks pop. Shannon flips the camera back to herself with a wide smile and starts talking about the next three games being important, but with the division records, Miami can’t lose their spot in the playoffs… Blah, blah, blah…

My eyes stay glued behind her where Bizzy, Shaw, Mathis, and Claire all give hugs to Nick. He smiles warmly, his face softening when Bizzy whispers something in his ear.

From somewhere behind him, a beautiful blonde bounces in and leaps into his arms. He catches her, his hands firm on her waist. I view in horror as his eyes grow wide right before she plants a kiss on his lips.

This doesn’t go unnoticed by Shannon, who steps full into the frame with bulging eyes. “Look at that, ladies and gentlemen! Maybe Sexy Six has a new good luck charm! Just remember, you saw it on Shannon Says first!”

Bile rises to my mouth as I click exit and throw my phone to the floor with all the force I can muster.

Logically, I know what I saw can have a hundred explanations, but it hurts no less. I’ve watched women throw themselves at him for months, one in my own house. But he’s always rejected the attention.

Then it hits me full force, and I know I can’t do it. Logan was malicious, but he was right. Besides the gallery, living in Miami has revolved around Nick.

I may love Miami, but maybe Miami doesn’t love me.

Chapter 27


I wipe my sweaty hands down my jeans and jump out of my truck, watching Grace through the window. She’s on the phone, making notes, and nodding. My heart leaps at the sight. It’s been too long since I’ve seen her in person. It hasn’t been for lack of trying. I’ve texted her, asking to meet for lunch or dinner, but she’s continuously rejected me.

Just when I thought I’d go crazy, and I was going to force her to talk to me, she skipped town for two days. Everything has been a blur since leaving her house.

Eight days—that’s how long I’ve been deprived of her.

Eight excruciating days.

My lower back twinges in pain, and I flex to try to work out the kinks. I haven’t been able to sleep in my bed since the last time Grace was there, so I moved to the sofa, which fucking sucks. But I’m not going back to that bed until I have Grace with me.

I’ve gone through the motions. Practices, films, meetings, all of it, trying to appear normal. It’s all been an act, but today, it’ll be worth it. Grace finally contacted me and asked me to meet her at the gallery today. I’ve been pacing my living room for hours waiting until I could get to her.

I run my hands through my hair and suck in a deep breath then head straight to her.

Tags: Ahren Sanders The Bennett Brothers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024