Hotshot (The Bennett Brothers 1) - Page 8

I scrunch my eyes in confusion at her term.

“Doppelganger is almost like a twin,” she clarifies.

I nod in understanding and take my cell out of my pocket. Gail answers on the first ring, and I give her a list of things to grab from our stock for Grady.

When I hang up, Bizzy stares at me, her ice blue eyes shining again with tears. She surprises me by fisting my shirt and laying a soft, sweet kiss directly on my lips.

“I love you, Shaw Bennett. Thank you,” she whispers against my mouth.

My heart swells, and every nerve in my body lights on fire.

In this instant, my life changes.

Chapter 2


“No, Claire, I’m not going on any more of your blind dates. Why the hell did you join a speed-dating club and dating site, only to push me to these guys?” I switch the phone to speaker so I can finish getting dressed.

“Because they may not be right for me, but you may hit it off. Let me at least send you his profile info.” My best friend pleads the same argument we have each time she tries to set me up. After last week’s debacle, I’m done.

“I’m pretty sure you’re going to shrivel up if you don’t get action soon.”


“Seriously, you should thank me. I’m looking out for your poor vagina. That thing needs action that’s not silicone induced.”

“I hate you. Tell me again why we’re even friends?”

“Because one look at you in Nursing School and I decided you deserved Claire Dixon in your life. There are some things even your precious boys can’t get you through.”

“Right now, I’m leaning toward my boys. Seriously, he wore a suit to a beach bar. I can appreciate a man in a suit, but it was so formal. No more.”

“Bet if Crenshaw wore a suit to a beach bar, your ovaries would explode.”

She’s the only person in the world I’ve confided in about my feelings for Shaw, and it’s comments like this that make me regret telling her.

“Jesus, I’m hanging up the phone. You’re annoying. Thank God tonight will bring me back into normal territory.”

“The boys, the boys, the boys,” she sings. “You are one lucky bitch. Do you know how many women would kill to be in your shoes? A lawyer, a doctor, and an NFL player—all rich, gorgeous, and successful. Not to mention, all wrapped around your finger.”

“I am a lucky bitch, but they’re not wrapped around my finger. They can be handfuls.”

“Is tonight monthly dinner night?”

We started the tradition of monthly dinners three years ago when the NFL drafted Nicky to play in Miami. At the time, I was a nervous wreck because rumor was Texas wanted Nicolas Bennett and was coming after him. But somehow, Shaw worked his magic, and Miami traded for Nicky. For the first time ever, outside of holidays, we were all in the same place at once. Between law school, college, and medical school, we’d had a lot of distance. I insisted on one night a month with the four of us getting together for dinner. No one has ever missed it. Even if scheduling is a nightmare, these dinners are sacred.

“Sure is, MDN is here, so I need to get off the phone.”

“I’m sending you the profile of a guy that looks like your type. Hell, it says he’s even a lawyer.”

“Stop!” I hiss, hang up on her, and rush to finish dinner.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rings. “Come on in,” I yell from the kitchen.

“Bizzy!” Mathis comes in shaking his head. “I’ve told you about that. Keep your damn door locked!”

I kiss him on the cheek and accept the bottle of wine he offers. “I knew it was

Tags: Ahren Sanders The Bennett Brothers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024