The Love Game - Page 51

“What is it?”

Iris folded her arms on his torso to prop herself up. Cool air slipped between them. “You once accused me of using Anderson Adventures as a dating service. I don’t want you to think I came on to you for mercenary reasons.”

“I don’t. I trust you.” And he did. Tyler cupped her beautiful face with his left palm. “Besides, I know you want me for my body.”

Iris trailed her fingertips from his chest down his torso. “It’s a great body—for a gamer.”

“That’s an unfair and inaccurate generalization of my people.” Tyler ignored his quivering stomach muscles.

“Oh, yeah?” She’d lowered her voice to a sexy, taunting whisper. “I’ve heard gamers tend to be twenty-pound weaklings.” Iris gave him an arched look that heated his blood. “I’ve met a few in my time.”

“I think you can see I’m not a twenty-pound weakling.” His voice was rough with desire.

Iris covered his body with her own, making his erection throb. “Show me.”

Tyler rolled, bringing her with him. His quick reflexes surprised a gasp from her lips. He drew her under him and held her gaze with his own. “With pleasure.”

He lowered his head and captured her lips.

* * *

The next morning, Iris paced Tyler’s hotel room. She checked her silver wristwatch again. “The reporter from The Gamer’s Seat is supposed to be here in ten minutes. I’ve heard he’s usually early, though.”

“We’ll be ready whenever he arrives.” Tyler settled onto a corner of the sofa.

Iris stopped to study him. In his black polo shirt and steel-gray slacks, he made an incongruous image against the pink-and-red floral-patterned sofa. But the dark clothing made him look dangerously sexy. Her stomach muscles quivered every time she remembered the way he’d touched her through the night. Iris shook her head to clear the image from her mind.

“Maybe we should look at one of the other articles he’s written.” She began pacing again.

Had she done everything she could to prepare her client for this interview? Had she given every effort to present Tyler in the best possible light to the public?

“We’ve already dissected three of his most recent ones.” Tyler propped his right ankle on his left knee. “We don’t need to look at any more.”

“He’s going to want to know about the game reveal, its features as a first-person game, its remote-play functionality and platforms—”

“Iris.” Tyler’s low voice brought her to a sudden halt.


“Sit down.” He gestured toward the armchair beside him. “You’ve done a great job prepping me. Everything will be fine.”

“You’re right.” Iris took a deep breath as she crossed to the sitting area. She ran her hand down the front of her conservative sapphire dress, then lowered herself onto the armchair. “I’m sorry.”

“Our roles have reversed.” Tyler tossed her a smile. “Now you’re the tense one and I’m calm.”

A loud knock sounded on the door. Iris frowned at it. “I told you he’d be early.”

Tyler rose from the sofa. “And I told you we’d be ready when he arrived.”

Iris stood as Tyler answered the door. Ryan Tipper, the reporter from The Gamer’s Seat, was even more rumpled than photos of him suggested. He looked as though he hadn’t shaved since he’d arrived at the convention. Judging by the dark gold stain on his dull white shirt beneath his mud-brown blazer, he liked spicy mustard.

The reporter shoved his shaggy brown hair back from his glasses. “I’m Ryan Tipper of The Gamer’s Seat. And you’re Ty Anderson. Nice job with your launch yesterday.”

“Nice to meet you.” Tyler offered his right hand. “Come in.”

“Thanks.” Ryan paused when Iris stepped forward. He adjusted the satchel on his left shoulder.

“Iris Beharie. I’m Mr. Anderson’s marketing consultant.” Iris held out her hand. “Thank you for coming.”

Tags: Regina Hart Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024