Where the Little Birds Are (Little Bird Duet 2) - Page 65

I push the camera away and walk back toward my house, where Lena’s red face greets me as I approach her. “Get off this property and out of this town before I call the fucking cops. Don’t think I won’t.”

“What did you just do?”

“Ended it,” I say simply, brushing past

her and to Kinley. My little bird’s face is morphed in disbelief. It’s not what we planned but it had to be done.

I repeat that to her and kiss her forehead before keeping her tucked into my side. All she can do is nod in stunned silence, blinking at me and then her brother.

When Lena doesn’t make a move to leave, my father steps forward and puts his hand on my shoulder. “Young lady, I will not hesitate another second before dialing the local sheriff. He’s just down the road and won’t waste time coming here no matter who you are.”

Lena’s eye bolt to me. “Callum!”

My father’s jaw ticks. “His name is Corbin.” He produces a cell phone and clicks a few buttons before putting it to his ear. “Frank? John Callum. I’m going to need you to come to my house, there’s a situation.”

It doesn’t take long before he hangs up, leaving my eyes wide as he squeezes my shoulder once.

Lena starts blasting off words nobody understands as she backs down the pathway away from the front door, pulling her cell out. She points to Kinley with pure hatred etched into her features. “You are finished. Do you understand me? Finished!”

Gavin grips Kinley’s hand and steps in front of her again, obscuring Lena’s view once more as the sheriff’s car pulls up while she spews insults out and walks down the driveway.

Frank gets out, putting on his hat, and glances between us and Lena. He nods once, walking over and raising his hands to calm her down. All while her little camera guy snaps pictures from afar.

Shaking my head, I look at Kinley. “I know this isn’t what we planned, but…”

She swallows. “I know.” Her voice is nothing more than a whisper as we watch the mayhem unfold outside. Lena and Frank talk, Frank yells at the guy taking pictures, and said guy ditches Lena in favor of not being arrested.

But not before getting a few pictures of Lena being escorted to the police car. At least there aren’t any handcuffs on her. Maybe she can spin it once the seedy asshole she hired turns on her for triple the money.

Dad says he’ll handle it as Gavin and I steer Kinley inside and close the door. Mom reaches out and brushes her arm, looking between us with a sad smile on her face.

She doesn’t need to tell me I’ve made a mess. I just nod once, lips in a grim line, before mouthing, I know as she walks us to the table in the kitchen. I pull out the chair for Kinley the same time Gavin does. Despite his tight jaw, he lets go of the chair and moves to the seat next to her. Mom looks at the three of us with raised brows before walking into the kitchen.


It’s Kinley’s raspy voice that says, “I’ll have a water, please.”

I rub her back, kneeling beside her instead of sitting in the wooden chair. “I’m so sorry, Little Bird.”

She just shrugs.

Mom walks over with a glass of water, setting it down in front of Kinley. “A baby,” Mom says softly, eyes watery. “Does this mean that I’m going to be a grandmother?”

Kinley and I nod at the same time.

Leave it to Mom to be excited. She kisses Kinley’s head, brushing hair out of her face before asking Gavin if he’d like anything. When he politely declines, she fixes up Dad and her coffee before joining us at the table.

Clearing my throat, I gesture toward Gavin. “This is Kinley’s older—”

“I know,” she cuts me off, waving her hand in dismissal with a smile. “We met at Kinley’s graduation. I sat with their family.”

I blink, trying to wrap my head around that. I’m sure she told me she went. She loves telling me everything about Kinley. Well, almost everything. Never once did she mention Parker or the fact she was engaged. I guess even Mom has her limits as to what she’s willing to share with me.

Brushing it off, I move forward. “I’m sorry, Mom,” I apologize, rubbing the back of my neck. “The situation isn’t ideal, and we didn’t want you to find out this way.”

She takes a deep breath and pats Kinley’s hand while looking at me, a smile still tilting her lips despite the shitshow I brought to them. “I always wondered what would happen if you two ever saw each other again. Of course, I don’t condone what you did to Lena, but you and Kinley have always had something about you that seemed…”

As she searches for a word, Kinley and I share a glance before whispering, “Inevitable,” at the same time.

Tags: B. Celeste Little Bird Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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