Tell Me When It's Over - Page 17

Following her down the hall, I plant myself on a stool at the island. “This really doesn’t bother you?”

Her shoulders lift as she digs through the fridge and produces a container of dough and a gallon of milk. “Nope. Now get off your ass and grab us glasses. We can’t eat this plain.”

I roll my eyes, but I do as she asks. She’s older than me and insists that justifies her bossing me around, which she’s done my whole life.

When we’re seated across from each other in the middle of kitchen, she spoons out a hefty amount of dough. “I don’t think it’s right to be angry at her, Kyler. It’s not her fault that our parents slept together.”

Lips twitching, I wrap a hand around the glass of milk in front of me. “Yeah, I know.”

Mia points her now-empty spoon at me with an amused smile on her face. “You’re just angry she’s a fan of Violet Wonders. Dad told me about the shirt.” Her giggle comes when I glare.

“They’re a fucking ridiculous band, and I’m not just saying that because Garrick and I have problems. If she has any passion about music, she’s wasting it on being their fan.”

The noise she makes is in disbelief. “I don’t believe that for a second. You can be pissed at Garrick all you want for hooking up with Kylie, but she was a willing participant. You never liked her that much anyway. He did you a favor.”

Garrick Matthews, the lead singer of Violet Wonders, a horrible name for an overhyped band, has been after me for as long as I can remember. It started as friendly competition between our bands when I still entertained in that industry, then turned into something different right before we broke up. “You’re only saying that because you think he’s hot and feel the need to remind me every fucking two seconds.”

I swear she murmurs “drama queen” under her breath, but I can’t be sure. Still, I glare for good measure which she ignores. “All I’m saying is that we need to give her a shot. I’m sure they’ll do a paternity test and then we’ll have our answer. If she’s really our sister, then you need to suck it up and get past whatever is pissing you off because I have a feeling it isn’t her.”

The unspoken truth pertaining to my sperm donor is left between our knowing gazes. I drop mine first, scooping out more cookie dough. “Hopefully the test comes back negative and we can move on with our lives. I’m sick of people trying to take advantage of us all because Harry can’t keep his dick in his pants.”

There have been accusations like this before, but none that showed up at the door with papers in hand that actually showed a

ny truth to the matter. I’m not sure it surprises me that it’s happened, but I don’t want anyone else to be subjected to the kind of drama being attached to us will bring. Especially not the doe-eyed girl who squirms every time she steps foot into this house. She won’t survive here.

I consider the possibility that it’s an act. We are in L.A. with some pretty convincing people. “You can’t tell me that the girl doesn’t know what her mother is after. Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s in on it. They’re both pathetic as far as I’m concerned.”

Mia clears her throat loudly, causing me to look up with pinched brows. She’s looking over my shoulder. When I turn, I wince when I see the girl in question standing at the doorway, her face bright red when we lock eyes. She quickly drops her gaze. “I was trying to find the bathroom.” I don’t miss her broken tone, full of embarrassment thanks to me.

“Two doors to the left,” Mia tells her softly, probably with a comforting smile on her face to undo what I just did.

She begins to turn before stopping, her palms running down her legs. “I…” Glancing up, I notice how red her cheeks still are and feel a little bad. To my surprise, she says, “I’m sorry. My mom should have never come here and intruded on your lives.”

Shoulders squaring off when I hear my sister’s deep sigh, I wet my lips and give Leighton a single nod in acknowledgment. She isn’t a bad girl. Seemingly shy. Quiet. Definitely uncomfortable. I’m an asshole.

When she turns and walks in the direction of the bathroom, I turn to see the disapproval on my sister’s face. “That was cruel, Ky. Even for you.”

Fuck. “I know.”

Hours later, Harry finds Mia and me in the theater room watching some shitty movie from the 70s with an ashen look on his face. He doesn’t have to tell us the news, it’s clear in his eyes what isn’t spoken.

We just gained a new sibling.

Mia pinches my arm, causing me to jerk and cuss her out. “You owe Leighton an apology.”

Harry eyes me. “Why?”

“Playing the protective father already,” I muse dryly, not buying it. He’s probably going to give them money and send them on their way. If it’s anything like his other problems produced by the appendage behind his designer pants, it’ll go away in no time after a check is written. From what I can tell of the mom, it’s what she’s here for anyway.

For some reason, I want this time to be different. Maybe because it’s obvious Leighton comes from nothing and deserves to be compensated for who she shares blood with, but also because I want to see Harry twitch—lose the composure he’s heckled me to keep for years. Something tells me the gold digger will make him do just that.

He grumbles out, “They’ll be over tomorrow night for dinner.” Then walks out, leaving his first two kids behind him.

Mia and I share a look, but there’s excitement in hers and indecision in mine.

Chapter Six

Leighton / Age 12

Tags: B. Celeste Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024