Off the Record (With Me in Seattle Mafia 3) - Page 21

“It doesn’t fit anymore?” Nadia asks.

“Yeah. I think that’s it. But that makes me feel so guilty because I have a staff of people who depend on me for their jobs. I can’t just close it down.”

“You’re the boss,” Ivie points out. “You can totally close it down.”

“But you are my office manager.”

“I am. And I like my job, but to be brutally honest, I also love working with Shane. I don’t know, A, I think our lives are starting to change a bit. And it’s for the better. If you offer the other employees a severance package and a letter of recommendation, they’ll be fine. It’s all in how you handle the situation. There are so many medi-spas here in Denver, and they’re all wonderful employees. They won’t have a problem finding something else.”

I bite the inside of my cheek, thinking it over. “Do you really think so?”

“I do.” She nods and reaches over to lay her hand over mine. “I think you’re an awesome person for being worried about it. But don’t overthink it. You need to do what’s right for you.”

“If you sell everything here and move, where do you want to go?” Nadia asks.

“Well, Rafe suggested Seattle.”

My two best friends beam at me, and I feel my cheeks flush.

“So, it is about Rafe,” Nadia says smugly.

“This part could be,” I admit. “I’m a complete basket case, you guys. I have gone from thinking that I can never be with the man, that I’m not good enough, to saying ‘fuck it,’ all in a matter of hours.”

“Fuck the wine,” Nadia says as she stands. “We need tequila.”

She quickly returns with a full bottle, three shot glasses, and a baggie full of cut-up limes.

“Forgot the salt,” she says before rushing to the kitchen to fetch the shaker.

“Mixing wine and tequila doesn’t sound like a good idea,” I say with a frown.

“Live a little,” Nadia suggests and pours the shots. “And keep talking.”

“I’m so back and forth, and it’s confusing me. I mean, all we’ve done is kiss, but it made me feel exactly the way I did all those years ago, you know?”

“No, I don’t know, because you didn’t tell me about it before, remember?” Nadia takes a shot and scowls at me as she sucks on a lime. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“I didn’t want Uncle Igor to find out,” I admit quietly. “But he found out anyway, and made me break up with him. Because he was a Martinelli.”

“He’s still a Martinelli,” Ivie points out.

“Yeah, but things have changed quite a bit from what they were a decade ago,” Nadia points out. “I don’t think you’ll have a problem with the family this time around.”

I nod, thinking it over.

“I like that he suggested Seattle,” Ivie says. “Nadia and I will be there more often now, and maybe it’s the right time for you to start over somewhere new.”

“That’s what I’m thinking.” I blow out a breath. “Change is scary, you know?”

“No, it’s exciting,” Nadia says. “It’s the chance for a fresh start, and you already have a support system there. You can always open a new spa in Seattle, or just take your time and think about what you want.”

“Actually, that’s a good question,” Ivie adds. “What do you want, A? In a perfect world, what do you see happening for yourself?”

I take a shot, then suck on a lime. “I want Rafe,” I admit. “God, I want him.”

“Then I think you’ve already decided,” Ivie says with a wide smile. “And I’m so excited for you, friend.”

“Me, too. I have Noreen the realtor coming to the house tomorrow so we can put it on the market. I really don’t want to spend any more nights there.”

“Stay here,” Nadia offers, gesturing to her beautiful Denver home. “Carmine and I leave tomorrow. You’ll have the place to yourself.”

“Really? You don’t think Carmine would mind?”

“Honey, Carmine is a softy when it comes to women. All of our men are. He knows your situation. He’ll be absolutely fine with you staying here.”

“They’re good people.” I look down into my empty shot glass, and Nadia fills it back up. “The guys. They’re good. And I’m really so glad they’re ours. Well, I don’t know for sure about Rafe being mine, but you know what I mean.”

“No man looks at a woman the way Rafe looks at you and doesn’t consider her his,” Nadia replies, her blue eyes solemn. “And, yes, they’re good. I mean, they kill people and stuff, but they’re good men.”

I laugh and then nod. “Good killers. I guess it’s a thing.”

“It’s totally a thing.” Nadia holds her glass up for us to clink. “To the sexy Martinelli men.”

“And their gorgeous women,” Ivie adds just before we all shoot the tequila.

“You know, Ivie, I love the confidence that has grown in you since you started fucking Shane,” Nadia says. “It’s high time you realize just how beautiful and wonderful you are.”

Tags: Kristen Proby With Me in Seattle Mafia Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024