Eden High: Series 1 (Eden High 1-6) - Page 30

Oh shit. I pulled in just as she got out of the car. She was smiling and beaming as she talked with her girls who walked over to meet her. I watched her for a hot minute just sucking her in.

Then my face changed as I climbed out of my car. She seemed to have had a wardrobe malfunction today, something I was gonna have to deal with right here and now.

“Morning baby, let’s go.” I wrapped my arm around her ass and kept walking, leaving her girls behind.

“Is something wrong?” I didn’t stop to kiss her so I’m guessing that’s why she was asking. Either that or the way I was all but frog marching her across the schoolyard.

I saw the looks from the other fuckers who had no respect whatsoever, but then again I couldn’t blame them for looking.

I walked by the onlookers and kept my cool. She didn’t know, because I hadn’t told her, I kept reminding myself of that as she looked at me for an answer to my strange behavior.

I walked through the halls to my locker and stopped. “What the fuck, are you doing Sian?” She jumped even though I hadn’t raised my voice.

“What, I don’t understand, why are you mad at me?”

“Baby, the jeans.” She looked down at herself as if expecting her fly to be open or something.

“What about them what’s wrong with my pants?”

“They’re not for you.”

“What why?”

“They show off your ass too well, looks like you’re advertising something that’s no longer on the market. And you’re almost hanging out of that shirt, what the fuck?”

I reached into my locker and found the perfect thing. “Commercial’s over.” I threw it on her shoulder.

“What’s this?”

“My old jersey, go put it on.”

“Jace I can’t wear this big old thing all day.”

“Yeah you can, and don’t tie it in a knot under your tits, that defeats the purpose. What’re you doing after school?”

“Nothing that I know of, why?”

“We’re going shopping, you need girlfriend appropriate clothing.”

“Don’t you have football practice?”

“Nope Coach got kicked in the head by a bull.” She laughed a little nervously.

“Which one of you kicked him?”

“No, he went to his sister’s and got kicked in the head by a bull. Call your mom and tell her you’re with me after school.”

“Are your really serious about the jeans?”

I took her face in my hands so she could see my eyes and get what I was about to say to her.

This shit will probably send her screaming but that was too bad. She was mine now; she wasn’t going anywhere.

“I do not want you dressing for show, I do not want you dressing like the rest of the girls around here.

No too short skirts, no too tight tops and no jeans that show the crack of your ass. The way you dressed yesterday and the day before that is perfectly fine.

You do not need, nor do I want you to be one of the crowd. Please try to keep that in mind. You’re who I want, not a fucking replica.”

I kissed her hard and walked away.

Eden High Book 3


Jordan Silver

Chapter 1


“Are you okay? What was that about?” Belle and Tammy found me walking down the hall, looking a tad bit lost after my little run in with Jace.

“Ohhhh, I see.” She tugged on the end of the shirt that I was now wearing or more like shrouded in.

“Is he always like this?” I think I was in shock. After the way we’d ended things last night I was looking forward to seeing his face this morning. The excitement was almost more than I could bear.

He’d been sweet, attentive and funny. Things had gone much better than I could’ve imagined with his parents, and the necking on the couch still gave me that warm feeling in my tummy.

The only blemish on the night had been the strange car that seemed to be following us when he drove me home, but which I didn’t mention because in the end I decided it was my overactive imagination at work.

So, our first date had been a success as far as I could tell and I was full of hope for the future.

Now I’m a spectacle walking down the hall while everyone looks at me like I’d forgotten how to dress myself.

“Where did he go?”

“He slammed out the doors, probably headed to the field or something. The guys hang out there sometimes in the mornings before class.”

We had thirty minutes ‘til class started so I decided to hunt him down and find out what was up with the crazy.

“You guys don’t have to come with me.” I wasn’t sure what I was going to find once I got there and was trying to avoid any more embarrassment.

“Oh I wouldn’t miss this for anything.” Belle grabbed my arm and dragged me out the door.

The guys were standing together, probably discussing pigskin. I saw Shane elbow Jace and nod in my direction.

Jace turned and looked at me, and even though we were still relatively new; who am I kidding? We are very new, but even so, I could read him.

I could that see the anger was still there, if a little less heated than twenty minutes ago. I was already coming to know him, weird.

I stopped walking because seriously, what the hell was going on here? He didn’t even look like the same guy from last night.

He was dressed pretty much the same as the day before. Today’s Henley was white, and the jeans looked like they cost more than some people paid for half a year’s mortgage.

But his face and his eyes looked like a completely different person to the boy who’d made out with me on his couch.

Maybe that was the problem, last night he’d still been the boy from school; this morning he seemed more man than boy. And one pissed off man at that.

He walked over the rest of the way to meet me and my girls stepped aside. I was nervous as hell and my tummy rolled.

Tags: Jordan Silver Eden High Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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