Eden High: Series 1 (Eden High 1-6) - Page 3

It was full and lustrous, so in the end I just had it washed and set. The curls wouldn’t last too long because my hair was thick and heavy, but for the day or two it will last I could enjoy flipping my bouncy curls over my shoulder like a twit.

Chapter 2


“Okay, you kids remember to look out for each other today. It’s a new school so there’s bound to be some adjusting to be done.

Jared I want you to keep an eye on your little sister.” Dad arched his brow over my head like I didn’t know that those words were code for ‘keep any interested males at arm’s length until I’ve vetted them.’

“Dad, quit it, I can date now remember?”

“Yes I know pumpkin, but just because we gave you the green light there that does not mean you get to choose.”

“Dad there’re so many things wrong with that statement, my court appointed lawyer could drive a semi truck through it.”

“Oh-ho, you haven’t pulled the emancipation card since you were about ten.” He ruffled by beautiful curls and I slapped his hand away while mom grinned and ushered us out of the house.

Dad and her were taking Maggie to her new school together. I remember those days and sometimes missed them, days when mommy and daddy stood between me, and the world. And all those pesky little things that scared you.

Suck it up Sian you’re a big girl now. “You ready squirt? I was thinking since it’s our first day and everything that maybe we could ride in together.” My brother the dweeb hugged my shoulders and led me out of the house.

I guess I hadn’t done a good enough job of hiding my angst. It’s one thing to stand in front of my mirror and pontificate about what I would say and do if anyone got on my bad side, but quite another to actually be walking into the unknown.

“Fine you can drive us in today, but no football talk, my ears are about to bleed.” The boy eats sleeps and lives the gridiron.

He came by it naturally, since dad played in high school, college and the league for a few years before he went the business route.

Dad was smart. He’d played long enough to make a few million before moving on to what he really loved.

Mergers and acquisitions was his thing and apparently he was very good at what he did, because we’ve never gone without. And now he was doing even better. With a new partnership and a lovely raise, he was pretty much set.

Jared on the other hand was all about the pigskin; he had no plans on doing anything else. Though mom and dad made it very clear that he had to pay as much attention to his studies or he’d be benched.

Dad said that since he was in a better place than his own dad had been when he was that age, it’s easier on Jared to make the choices he wanted to make and he’d back him; but he had to do his part and prove that he can be responsible.

Me, all I had to do was be a girl. Dad is as old fashioned as they come. Mom, Maggie and I are treated like the princesses that we are and I don’t think any of us would have it any other way.


I was spared any talk about football because my brother for all that he’s brain dead ninety percent of the time, is a very cool big brother.

He knew I was nervous about what I was about to face. For boys it’s easy, they just show up, grunt at each other and fall into friendships.

Add some sort of sport to the mix and it’s a slam-dunk. Me on the other hand, was going to have to find my footing. But I’ve already worked out my strategy.

I’ve watched enough teen shows and read enough teen lit, not to mention been on the other side of this situation to know, you don’t go to them, you let them come to you.

My brother had already been to the school, because he had to meet with the new coach and some of his teammates or something. His report had been as was to be expected.

‘It’s fine; it’s a school like any other.’ His only interest had been in the playbook and the season lineup, no help at all.

We pulled into the parking lot fifteen minutes later and it was like culture shock. The kids where we came from had well to do parents as we did. I was accustomed to seeing Pathfinders and BMWs in the student parking lot, along with a Mercedes here and there.

Their dress style was flashy for our town, you know, keeping up with the video chicks and Seventeen Magazine. But this, this was beyond what even I had expected and I have a huge imagination.

There were Ferraris and Lamborghinis for lands sake; and would you look at that? Somebody owned a Phantom and in my favorite color, if I could ever afford one. Well my favorite unless I could get it in baby pink.

I looked down at my little denim skirt and my Ralph Lauren limited edition button down with pearl buttons and felt meh.

Jared sensing my unease squeezed my hand and dragged me along behind him. I was too caught off guard to give him my usual lip about acknowledging my presence in public.

I was beginning to feel underdressed and kind of new girlish. Of course I could feel the stares and hear the whispers on the wind but I wasn’t feeling brave enough yet to make eye contact.

So much for being able to hold my own, what the hell happened? These were not teenage girls the way I knew teenage girls.

I’ve never seen so much cleavage and crotch shots outside of one of Jared’s freaky magazines that he kept hidden under his mattress.

Jared had stopped in front of some other pigskin drones apparently, and was introducing me around. Somebody mentioned something to him about Jace not being here yet and the conversation went on from there to football of course.

Tags: Jordan Silver Eden High Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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