Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers 3) - Page 15

“Perfect present from a businessman to a bohemian goddess,” she whispers.

Those words sink in, all the anxiety seeping away.

That wasn’t so bad after all.

Chapter 5


“Shouldn’t you be packing to go home? Your wake-up call is early.” I open the door to Darby and Pierce.

“Yes, she should, but she’s stubborn,” Pierce grumbles.

“I need to talk to you.” Darby passes on her way to the bar, pouring two drinks.

“We left dinner less than an hour ago.”

“This is between family.”

“Meaning you want to talk about Poppy.”

She nods, bringing us the glasses and perching on the arm of the sofa. “I like her.”

“Me too.”

“I really like her.”

“Is there a point here?”

She wrings her hands together. “I’m worried.”

“About what?”

“Well, there’s the fact that, for the first time in forever, you’re showing interest in a woman that performs in Vegas for a living.”

I take a sip of the bourbon to tamper down the spark of irritation at her implication. “Is that a problem?”

“Oh! Not that she’s a performer, but her life is here. What does that mean for a future?”

“Fuck, Darby, it’s not ideal, but I’m not walking away because of shitty location.”

“Pierce shared what he saw this morning. After spending the day with her, I know she’s not the type of woman who falls into bed with every high-balling businessman that comes around.”

A throaty growl rumbles low, and I swallow the rest of the liquid in one gulp. “Careful.”

“Baby, you should get to the point and not mention her falling into bed with other men,” Pierce pushes.

“Sorry, I’m saying she lives across the country, so what can come out of this?”

“Poppy told me about your day. You know this isn’t a sex thing,” I point out and Darby flinches.

“That’s none of my business.”

“No, but I think it helps you to learn where I’m coming from.”

“My worry comes from what happens next.”

“What happens next is I stay and spend time with her. Meet her friends and get to know her life. In a few weeks, she’ll be at Stephanie’s wedding. Hopefully, she can come back to Charleston.”

“Then what?”

“I don’t have a crystal ball, Darby.”

“I want you to be happy, but selfishly, I want you to be happy in Charleston.”

My mind has been waging this war since I left Poppy at the pool today. Staying behind is only delaying the inevitable because Poppy and I live two very different lives.

“To be honest, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I’m not ready to get on a plane tomorrow and leave without spending more time with her. There’s something between us that’s unexplainable.”

“She’s special.”

“I think we already established that.”

“I’m being irrational. There’s no need for me to question you. This is your life and your decisions.” She attempts a smile but fails. Her eyes brim with tears.

Pierce moves, but I get to her first. “Is something else going on here?”

“My baby boy is named after you, and my daughter is coming in a few months. I’ve waited my entire life to be where I am. You are my rock—I can’t lose you now that everything is perfect.” Her face crumbles.

I place my glass on the table and pull her to me gently. “You’ll never lose me.”

She lets out a few sobs before sucking in a breath to get control. “Gah! I’m such an emotional wreck. I blame it on this baby being a girl. The hormones are much more unbalanced this time around.”

“Maybe so, but I think you’re jumping ahead here. Me staying behind doesn’t mean the movers are on standby. Give me some time and see how this plays out.”

“Pierce said he picked up on some intense vibes this morning when he ran into you two in the lobby.”

I glance at my brother-in-law. “I have you to thank for this? You couldn’t help yourself, could you?”

“Not a chance, I call it as I see it. Besides, you’re the one laying the seeds.”

“Why don’t y’all let me figure out what is happening before you plan my going away party?”

My sister nods against my stomach, sniffing a few times before lifting her head. “There is one good thing that comes out of this; you’re taking that time off.”

“Yes, and I sent Jackson a text this afternoon requesting a full-time assistant.”

“Excellent news.”

“Now that’s all straight, you okay? Poppy’s on the stage in twenty minutes.”

“Yes, I’m good. Sorry to bombard you like this.” She stands, sliding past me, then spins quickly. “One more thing.”

“Of course there is,” I mutter.

“This is important. Poppy mentioned something today about her last boyfriend being an asshole.”

“That would explain why he is her ex.”

“She’s been single a long time. You’ve been single a long time, too.”

“Is there a point?”

“If either of you ever needs to talk, Peirce and I are available.”

“No offense, but I’m good.” I refrain from pointing out that they are far from relationship experts. Then I think of something she can do. “I have one job for you.”

Tags: Ahren Sanders Southern Charmers Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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