Wicked Intent (Bound Hearts 4) - Page 19

Wishful thinking. She drew in a deep breath, fought to regain her composure and turned back to the computer. She didn’t have time for wishful thinking.

* * * * *

Lucian managed, just barely, to put aside the hunger building in his cock and attend to business that morning as needed. It was the afternoon he was awaiting. His calendar was clear for the rest of the day and he intended to begin the seduction of Tally then. He knew he was courting a sexual harassment suit; hell, if he were Tally he would have likely already slapped one in his face. The only thing saving him, he knew, was that she wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.

He knew she did. He could see it in her eyes, the knowledge that he held the key to her darkest desires. He knew her as very few people did. She had given him the key to her downfall and it made her madder than hell to know it.

The meetings progressed quickly. Thankfully, there seemed to be no glitches in the present projects and everything was running smoothly. Lunch was eaten during the final meeting with Anderhaul amid discussion of the finalized contract. The meeting moved quickly and just before two, the office had cleared out of everyone except Lucian, Devril and Tally.

Not that Tally hadn’t tried to escape, more than once. Thankfully, the work involved in keeping notes on the meeting as well as helping to clear the office later had kept her there.

“Tally, make a note to contact Jesse regarding the new chips we’ll need for the Anderhaul project. That one should go quickly and make us a tidy little profit to boot. ”

“Noted. ” She made the addition to her notebook, tucking back a stray strand of long black silk that had fallen over her shoulder.

Lucian paused, watching her. She was small, small enough that he wondered if she could possibly handle both he and Devril taking her at once. They were both tall, broad men. Tally was delicate, exquisitely curved with full breasts and luscious hips, but tiny all the same. It never ceased to amaze him the hunger he felt for her. She wasn’t the type of woman he had thought his heart would eventually settle on. She was smart–mouthed, coolly mocking, and possessed a razor-edged wit that had often left him gritting his teeth and fuming in anger. On the other hand, she made him so damned horny he could barely breathe comfortably, and he knew she did the same to Devril.

There was the crux of the matter. Unlike the other members of The Club, sharing his woman wouldn’t be an occasional thing. He had learned early in life that the bond he shared with his twin would never allow for anything so conventional. The moment they set eyes on Tally, both men had known instantly what they wanted from her. She wouldn’t have one lover, but two, nightly, daily, because she owned both their hearts.

Lucian glanced at his brother, sensing his building arousal, just as he knew Devril would sense his own. It was a connection they had grown used to over the years and Lucian knew he wouldn’t wish it any other way. Just as he knew that eventually it might cost them the woman they loved.

His gaze returned to her, watching as she began to straighten the files scattered across the low coffee table of the meeting area. Her skirt was conservative, the black silk ending an inch below her knees. Black pumps fit over her small feet, low heeled, sedate. She exuded class and breeding, old money and genteel sensibilities. Unless you glimpsed the parts she kept carefully hidden.

Jaded. It was her Internet identity, but there were times Lucian suspected it also described her outlook on relationships and men. She was, at heart, a sexual little wildcat who had given up on the fulfillment of her own fantasies. Fantasies Lucian and Devril were determined to bring to life.

Lucian turned the lock on the office door decisively. The snick of the small mechanism had Tally tensing, her head rising slowly as she gazed back at him. Her nipples hardened instantly. He was watching for that, needed to see it.

Devril lounged back on the wide couch watching her as well, though leaving the first move up to Lucian.

“Unbutton your blouse,” Lucian ordered softly as he began to advance on her. “Slowly. ”

“Do I look like your personal stripper?” she asked archly, amusement glittering in her gaze.

She had been expecting this. He could see it in her eyes, in the excitement that pulsed at the vein in her neck.

“If that’s what I want,” he said carefully. “We’re about to lay some ground rules here, Tally. ” He watched the heat ignite in her eyes, the way her breasts seemed to swell beneath the silk of her shirt.

“Oh, we are?” she questioned him softly. “Your rules, I’ll presume?”

He shook his head slowly. “Our rules, Tally. Never just mine or Dev’s. All of us. We’re alone now. No business, no witnesses. No more games. Come on, baby, don’t you at least want to see how good it could be?” He kept his voice soft, gentle.

Tally was an expert with the comebacks. She could hold her own in any confrontation. He didn’t want their relationship to be a confrontation. He wanted her sweet and wild in his arms, his name a cry on her lips.

She blinked before licking her lips in the first sign of nervousness he believed he had ever seen out of her as she considered his words.

“We can’t go on like this, baby,” he told her gently, watching her, letting her see the need now. “It’s your choice. If you walk out of here now, then that’s it. No more. We’ve never forced ourselves on a woman in our lives. We won’t start now. ”

She drew in a deep, hard breath.

“And if I choose to stay?” she asked him.

“Then you get both of us. Separately, together, however we wish it, any given time when work doesn’t interfere. This won’t work like Jesse and Terrie’s relationship, or James and Ella’s. Devril and I share, Tally, consistently, regularly. ”

She looked around the office then. “Do you guys ever do anything sexual outside the office?” she asked.

“If the opportunity presented itself,” Devril said. “Unfortunately, you were hiding this past weekend. It limited the choices. ”

Her gaze flickered to Devril a bit nervously.

Tags: Lora Leigh Bound Hearts Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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