Defending Donovan (Face-Off Legacy/Campus Kings 6) - Page 50

I giggle in response, tilting my head to the side for him to kiss my neck. Drake rolls me just enough so he can position himself behind me. And when I feel his long, hard length between my legs, a soft moan escapes from deep inside my belly.

“Show me,” I whisper.

He does what I command for the rest of the night, living up to his promise until I fall asleep with my head on his chest and his strong arm draped over me like a warm blanket.

Chapter Sixteen


The crowd always cheers for the home team. But we’re not giving them much reason to cheer. Some people hoot and yell for the Strickland Senators. It must be out of a sense of obligation because our twenty-five-point deficit at the top of the fourth quarter isn’t giving them a whole hell of a lot to care about.

Yep, we suck balls tonight. Even though we have the home-court advantage, we’re playing like shit. Not a single person has their head in the game—myself included.

Drake and a few of his teammates are in the stands watching this clusterfuck of a nightmare. Bex, as usual, is on her A game. She’s always on point when it comes to showing off her talent on the court. A few others are keeping pace with her. Though, the ongoing tension between Jackie and me has killed the mojo for a fair share of our teammates.

My own teammate, of all people, keeps hitting me on purpose. A slight tap with her elbow or an alleged accidental hand to the back of my head has my blood pressure through the roof. She’s working my last nerve, intentionally throwing the ball where I can’t reach it and blocking shots I should have made on purpose.

After another whistle is blown, Coach Vaughn benches both of us. This is all her fault. Jackie’s so damn jealous of Drake and me that she hasn’t stopped acting like a total psycho. I’ve put up with this shit from her since after the Thanksgiving break, and I’m sick of it.

Once we’re on the sidelines, Jackie approaches me again. She looks out into the crowd where Drake and his friends have gathered three rows up from the court right behind our bench. Is she doing this to get his attention? The only reason he’s even looking over here is because of me, not her skank ass.

“When Drake fucked me…” Jackie leans forward, bending down to touch her toes, her ass sticking up in the air. To everyone else, it looks like she’s tying her shoe. “He bent me over like this… and then he…”

Unable to control my rage, I slam the heel of my sneaker into her stupid ass. She flies a few feet in front of us, her cheek hitting hard against the hardwood floor.

“You stupid bitch,” I growl, following behind her. “He’s mine. He wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole and someone else’s dick.”

Jackie crawls across the floor, and then hops to her feet, her jaw set in anger. She balls her hands into fists in front of her.

I laugh in her fucking face.

“You think you know him so well, Taylor. Think again. He’s been with everyone on campus. You’re not special.”

She has no idea what she’s talking about. Only I know the real Drake Donovan.

“You’re just mad that he blew you off,” I hiss, my hands now fisted at my sides.

She rushes toward me, and before she can get a clean hit on me, I grab her by the arm and twist it behind her back. Breathing against her cheek, I yank it harder. “Keep talking shit about Drake and me, and the next time, I’ll break it.”

I’ve trained for this moment with my father. Everything I know about martial arts he’s taught me. He prepared me for people like Jackie.

Our fight ends with someone wrapping strong arms around me. The scent of clean linen and Drake’s aftershave fills my nostrils. It’s a scent I love so much I’ve burned it into my brain. He drags me away from Jackie, my shoes screeching along the floor. Once we’re at a safe distance from her, he sets me on the floor, placing his hand on my shoulder to stabilize me.

“I don’t know if I should be mad or thankful,” I say through gritted teeth. Spinning around to face him, I suck in a deep breath. “I had that under control.”

He rolls his eyes and sighs loudly. “No, you didn’t. You were two seconds from breaking your teammate’s arm. And for what reason?”

“She said you fucked her. That bitch was bending over to demonstrate to me how you took her from behind.”

“You know I never…” His gaze lowers as he blows out a breath of air, tugging at the ends of his dark hair. “C’mon, Taylor. Why would you even entertain that shit from her when you know the truth?”

Tags: Jillian Quinn Face-Off Legacy/Campus Kings Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024