To Taste Temptation (Legend of the Four Soldiers 1) - Page 7

She stared thoughtfully at her plate, remembering. Nanny would often read to them outside after an afternoon picnic. Reynaud and she would sit on the picnic blanket as Nanny turned the pages of the fairy-tale book. But as the story progressed, Reynaud would creep unconsciously forward, drawn by the excitement of the tale, until he was nearly in Nanny’s lap, hanging on every word, his black eyes sparkling.

He’d been so alive, so vital, even as a boy. Emeline swallowed, carefully smoothing the raveled ribbon at her waist. “I only wondered where the book could be. Do you think it’s packed away in the attics?”

“Who can say?” Her aunt gave an eloquent and very Gallic shrug, dismissing the old book of fairy tales and Emeline’s memories of Reynaud. She leaned forward to exclaim, “But again I ask, why? Why do you even think to agree to take on this man and his sister who wears no shoes?”

Emeline forbore to point out that as of yet, they had no intelligence concerning Miss Hartley’s shoes or the lack thereof. In fact, the only Hartley she knew about was the brother. For a moment, she remembered the man’s tanned face and coffee-brown eyes. She shook her head slowly. “I don’t know exactly, except that he obviously needed my help.”

“Ah, but if you took all who need your help, we would be buried beneath petitioners.”

“He said...” Emeline hesitated, watching the light sparkle on her wineglass. “He said he knew Reynaud.”

Tante Cristelle set down her wineglass carefully. “But why do you believe this?”

“I don’t know. I just do.” She looked helplessly at her aunt. “You must think me a fool.”

Tante Cristelle sighed, her lips drooping at the corners, emphasizing the lines of age there. “No, ma petite. I simply think you a sister who loved her brother most dearly.”

Emeline nodded, watching her fingers twist the wineglass in her hand. She didn’t meet her aunt’s eyes. She had loved Reynaud. She still did. Love didn’t stop simply because the recipient had died. But there was another reason she was contemplating taking on the Hartley girl. She felt somehow that Samuel Hartley hadn’t been telling her the whole truth of why he needed her help. He wanted something. Something that involved Reynaud.

And that meant he bore watching.

Chapter Two

Iron Heart walked for many days in the dark forest, and during that time, he met neither human nor animal. On the seventh day, the wall of trees opened up, and he emerged from the forest. Directly ahead of him lay a shining city. He stared. Never in all his travels had he seen such a magnificent city. But soon his belly rumbled, waking him from his awe. He needed to buy food, and in order to buy food, he must find work. So off he tramped into the city.

ne cocked her head as she realized that he wanted a chaperone. Well, why hadn’t the silly man said so in the first place and saved her all this embarrassment? “I’m afraid that won’t be possible.”

“Why not?” The words were soft, but there was an edge of command behind them.

Emeline stiffened. “I take only young ladies from the highest ranks of society. I don’t believe your sister can meet my standards. I’m sorry.”

He watched her for a moment and then looked away. Although his gaze was on a bench at the end of the path, Emeline doubted very much that he saw it. “Perhaps, then, I can plead another reason for you to take us on.”

She stilled. “What is that?”

His eyes looked back at her, and now there was no trace of amusement in them. “I knew Reynaud.”

The beating of Emeline’s heart was very loud in her ears. Because, of course, Reynaud was her brother. Her brother who had been killed in the massacre of the 28th.

SHE SMELLED OF lemon balm. Sam inhaled the familiar scent as he waited for Lady Emeline’s answer, aware that her perfume was distracting him. Distraction was dangerous when in negotiations with a clever opponent. But it was odd to discover this sophisticated lady wearing such a homey perfume. His mother had grown lemon balm in her garden in the backwoods of Pennsylvania, and the scent pitched him back in time. He remembered sitting at a rough-hewn table as a small boy, watching Mother pour boiling water over the green leaves. The fresh scent had risen with the steam from the thick earthenware cup. Lemon balm. Balm to the soul, Mother had called it.

“Reynaud is dead,” Lady Emeline said abruptly. “Why do you think I’d do you this favor simply because you say you knew him?”

He examined her face as she spoke. She was a beautiful woman; there was no doubt about that. Her hair and eyes were dramatically dark, her mouth full and red. But hers was a complicated beauty. Many men would be dissuaded by the intelligence in those dark eyes and by the skeptical purse of those red lips.

“Because you loved him.” Sam watched her eyes as he said the words and saw a slight flicker. He’d guessed right, then; she’d been close to her brother. If he was kind, he’d not presume on her grief. But kindness had never gotten him much, either in business or in his personal life. “I think you’ll do it for his memory.”

“Humph.” She didn’t look particularly convinced.

But he knew otherwise. It was one of the first things he’d learned to recognize in the import business: the exact moment when his opponent wavered and the scales of the negotiation tipped in Sam’s favor. The next step was to strengthen his position. Sam held out his arm again, and she stared at it a moment before placing her fingertips on his sleeve. He felt the thrill of her acquiescence, though he was careful not to let it show.

Instead, he led her farther down the garden path. “My sister and I will only be in London for three months. I don’t expect you to work miracles.”

“Why bother engaging my help at all, then?”

He tilted his face to the late-afternoon sun, glad that he was outside now, away from the people in the salon. “Rebecca is only nineteen. I am often occupied with my business, and I’d like her to be entertained, perhaps meet some ladies of her own age.” All true, if not the whole truth.

“There are no female relatives to do the duty?”

Tags: Elizabeth Hoyt Legend of the Four Soldiers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024