Personal Demon (Otherworld 8) - Page 121

I bent to examine the shirt. I suspected it belonged to Carlos. The young woman hadn't been hastily tied up by an experimenting amateur, but bound with leather straps. My brother's sexual proclivities were no secret in the supernatural community.

"She's been tortured." Paige had begun examining the young woman. "There are knife wounds, but they look small and shallow, maybe from that." She pointed to a penknife lying beside a condom wrapper, then leaned closer to th

e girl's abdomen. "And I think these are...bite marks."

While this could indeed be evidence of torture, it was not necessarily the case if Carlos had been involved. But I saw no need to enlighten her.

A shadow fell over Paige. I reacted with a knockback spell, hitting the blur of motion before I could even tell what it was.

Carlos flew back into the open closet as Griffin ran from the adjoining room. Griffin tackled him and the two men went down.

"Get the hell off me, you oaf." A glare my way. "It's your brother, idiot."

It was the first time I'd heard Carlos call me that. He'd say mockingly a "little bro" or "baby bro," but in serious reference I was always his half-brother--if he had to admit to any relationship at all.

He struggled against Griffin's restraining hands, but he was no match for the bigger man. With one hand, Griffin tugged plastic wrist straps from his pocket and glanced at me. I nodded.

"What the hell are you doing?" Carlos said. "You're supposed to be rescuing me!"

"We need to escort you to headquarters," I said. "If you'll--"

"Headquarters? The fuck you are, you traitorous son-of-a-bitch. I wouldn't trust you to escort me across the road."

From brother to traitor in twenty seconds. If one angle didn't work...

"I need to take you back. Hector--Hector's dead."

"Hec--?" He lifted his gaze to mine. "Bullshit."

When I didn't answer, he searched my face.

"Ah, shit," he said. "What was it? A car accident? Heart attack? I know his heart had been--" His expression hardened. "If it was a heart attack, you better believe I'm holding you responsible, Lucas. You traipse into the office this afternoon, with no warning--"

"He was murdered."

His surprise seemed genuine.

"So was William."

His look turned to shock. "No way. No fucking way."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah? I'll bet you are. I'll bet you're just rubbing your hands right now. Finally got rid of them, and now the way is clear. You can take over the company and run it into the ground, screw Dad over and call it a public service. Well, I've got news for you, baby bro. I'm still around. And while I am, you've got competition."

That was it. His shock and grief had lasted exactly thirty seconds before his true concerns took over.

Griffin made a move, as if to lead him away, but I shook my head. There was still one more test.

"They attacked our father," I said.

"Is he dead?"

There was no hope in his voice, but no concern either. I paused, giving him time to contemplate, to react, but his expression didn't change.

"He's fine."


Tags: Kelley Armstrong Otherworld Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024