Personal Demon (Otherworld 8) - Page 35

"That's crazy. I won't--"

Guy leaned forward as Jaz dug the gun in. "Oh, I think you will. You've seen what we can do, and that's only a taste. Trust me, you don't want the full lesson."

He cast two fog spells in quick succession, then strode toward the Jag, Jaz and me following. Another jump onto the hood, a quick walk over the roof and we were outside.

Guy called Bianca and told her to meet us back at the Rider. Then Jaz held the knapsack while Guy dumped in the envelopes.

"Party time, boss?" Jaz asked. He plucked out a handful of envelopes. Guy smacked his hand, and Jaz dropped all but one and stuffed it into his pocket.

Guy only laughed. "Yeah, it's party time."



We dumped the getaway car, switched to a crew vehicle and met the others in the lot behind the Rider.

Jaz grabbed my hand, dragging me along as he jogged up behind Sonny. He draped his arm around his friend's shoulders.

"Party time, bro."

Tony looked over. "Seriously?"

Jaz hooked a thumb at Guy, still behind us. "Boss says so."

Bianca dropped back to walk with Guy. Jaz laced his fingers with mine and swung our arms. I laughed, almost expecting him to start skipping.

"Know what that means, Faith? Party time?"

"I have no idea."

"It means the Rider is ours. Open bar. No rules. No obligations."

Tony strode up on my other side. "No making nice to the tourists."

"No making eyes at forty-year-old humans," Max said.

Jaz grinned. "Nothing to do but party until the sun comes up."

"Then collect our share, go home and party some more."

Max and Tony threw open the doors and we walked in, the guys still laughing, so boisterous you'd think they'd already had a few hours at the open bar.

"Hey, boss?" Jaz called back. "You joining us?"

"Unlike some of us, I have responsibilities, Jasper. Money to count. A donation to make..."

"You're really cutting the take in half?"

Guy smiled. "More or less."

"I'll help you," Bianca said.

Tony dropped back beside her. "Do you have to, Bee? I was hoping you'd come play."

"Guy needs help--"

"No, I don't. You go, Bee. Boss's orders. Have fun. Get sloshed. Enjoy yourself."

Tags: Kelley Armstrong Otherworld Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024