Betrayals (Cainsville 4) - Page 145



bsp; Ricky parked his bike beside the Jag. Gabriel was nowhere to be seen, which meant he'd arrived at least five seconds sooner and God forbid he should actually wait--not if Liv was in danger. Ricky sighed softly, but it wasn't so much annoyance as resignation and acceptance. This was how it was, how it would always be, and he had as much chance of changing it as he did of changing the course of the sun and the moon.

He broke into a jog and found Gabriel at the rear door, attempting to open it without touching the metal. He'd gripped it with his jacket but couldn't get the knob to turn, scowling as the fabric slid. If they hadn't been in a bit of a hurry, Ricky would have been tempted to take a picture. He picked up the pace again and was about to say something when Gabriel snatched his jacket off the knob and grabbed it with his bare hand.

"Hey!" Ricky whispered loudly as he ran over.

Gabriel already had the door open...and had one burned hand, which he tucked behind him as soon as he saw Ricky.

"Could you have waited two minutes?" Ricky said. "Seriously? How about a text to see if I was close?"

Gabriel didn't even respond to that, just pushed open the door and walked through as he tugged his jacket back on.

"Gun?" Ricky said.

Gabriel grunted something that Ricky was probably supposed to interpret as meaning yes, he had it. He knew better, and as they stepped into the first open room, Ricky held out a nine-millimeter.

"Keep it," Gabriel said.

"Got one." Ricky waggled a second gun. Not his usual style--he preferred fists and a blade--but if Liv was in danger, that had warranted a stop at a nearby stash where the Saints stored some of their merchandise.

"I don't need--" Gabriel began.

Ricky slapped the nine-millimeter in his hand and said, "I'm not standing around arguing while Liv is in trouble."

Gabriel opened his mouth, then shut it and nodded.

Ricky led Gabriel to the hatch in Aunika's closet. At the bottom they discovered what seemed proof that they were in the right place: the door leading into the tunnels was barred from their side. Gabriel burning his hand in his rush to get inside also suggested this was the place. He'd found Liv before, as if guided by an internal beacon. Ricky could protest that he had that, too, but it wasn't the same. It just wasn't.

Before they set off into the tunnels, Ricky whispered, "I'm going to take it slow and quiet. Follow my lead."

Gabriel shook his head. "I'll lead. I--"

"You don't have my night vision. You don't have my stealth. Keep your gun out and stay behind me."

Gabriel stiffened at that, but Ricky ignored him and started moving, fingers over his flashlight beam to keep it low. He searched methodically...just like Liv obviously had. The moment he saw those Xs on the doors, he knew they were hers. When they found a room with manacles and leg irons, Gabriel marched over, ignoring Ricky's "Hold on." He grabbed the metal and, yep, once burned, twice not shy, at least if it was Gabriel in search of Olivia.

Ricky only sighed while Gabriel gave his reinjured hand a quick shake, as if the pain was a minor annoyance. There was blood on the wall, but Ricky could tell it was old. Gabriel had to check that, too, giving a grunt of satisfaction and then striding back into the hall. Ricky swung in front of him with "Uh-uh, fae in the rear, Cwn Annwn in the lead."

They continued down the hall. After about five paces Ricky said, "Once we find Liv, I'm going to ask you to do something, Gabriel."

A grunt from behind.

"I understand she's your employee," Ricky said. "But I'd like you to restrict your relationship to that."

Silence for at least ten seconds. Then, "What?"

"I'm asking you--no, I'm telling you--to back off. With Liv."

"I have never--" The indignant reply stopped short, and Ricky felt his breath hitch.

Why can't you finish that sentence, Gabriel? What have you done?

Ricky pushed back the lick of jealousy. Nothing had happened between them. He trusted Liv too much for that. Even if there'd been a slip, her guilt would have made her confess. Unless...

"You've never what, Gabriel? Never made a move on her? Is that what you were trying to say?"

Tags: Kelley Armstrong Cainsville Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024