Wicked and True (Wicked & Devoted 4) - Page 76

“Of course you haven’t. Why would he do anything responsible?”

“I could try calling him.”

Zy shook his head as he tossed on his clothes. “I don’t want to tip our hand until we’re in his personal space. It’s the best way to control the situation.”

“Then I don’t know what to do.”

“Let me see if Trees can pinpoint him.”

Was the guy even awake? “How would he do that?”

“He has ways.” Zy smiled. “Follow me.”

She’d rather not talk to Trees while wearing her pajamas, and Zy was eyeing her formfitting tank and shorts with an unnervingly intent stare. “Let me get dressed.”

She ducked out to the bathroom, tossed on her clothes, brushed her teeth, and secured her hair in a ponytail. She exited to find Zy waiting in the hall. Together they headed to the kitchen.

Trees stood at the coffeemaker, shirtless and huge, his hands braced on either side of the counter. Nothing odd about that, except the petite brunette standing in the cage of his arms, staring up at him with big hazel eyes.

“Talk to me, Laila…”

As in Valeria Montilla’s sister?

Tessa glanced Zy’s way. He didn’t seem at all confused by the woman’s identity or the fact she was here.

The brunette shook her head. “I have nothing to say.”

“That’s bullshit. What happened—”

“Will not happen again.” She ducked under his arm to escape—then stopped short, eyes wide, when she caught sight of her and Zy. She wore an enormous T-shirt that clearly belonged to Trees…and nothing else.


Tessa’s heart went out to the obviously rattled woman. “Hi, Laila. I’m Tessa.”

Immediately, the woman relaxed. Because she wasn’t the only woman anymore in a drowning pool of testosterone? They shook hands, and Laila excused herself, all but running past her for the hallway—and her clothes.

Trees turned, and his sweatpants didn’t hide how hard he was.

Zy glared at his friend. “What did you do?”

“Zip it.”


“Don’t ‘dude’ me. You’re no saint, either.” He tossed his head in her direction before pinning Zy with a pissed-off glare.

Zy looked like he really wanted to argue, but he didn’t. “Fine. I need your help locating Tessa’s ex. We have to find him ASAP.”

Trees stared down the hallway where Laila had run, then reluctantly nodded. “Yeah. Let me get dressed.”

Once he’d gone, Zy shook his head and made for the coffeepot.

Tessa followed. “What’s going on with them?”

“You can’t tell? I’m pretty sure they had sex.”

She’d guessed that. “Just now?”

“No, but recently. In the past few days.”

“Then why is she terrified of him? He seems like a gentle giant.”

“He is…mostly. But Trees has a side no one wants to see. Trust me. Not that he’s shown Laila. But she was held hostage for nearly seven years at Emilo Montilla’s compound…and they weren’t at all kind. I wonder if she senses Trees’s dark side.”

People in the drug trade weren’t known for being good people. Just imagining what Laila had endured made her shudder. “If she’s afraid, how did they ever…”

“Get close enough to fuck? I don’t know. And now he’s trying to downshift, but—”

“It’s not working.”

“That’s what worries me.”

Trees appeared a few moments later, hair wrangled into place and a fresh T-shirt covering his torso, which hung past his hips and covered his erection.

As if she had a sixth sense, Laila reentered the kitchen, now wearing a pink bare-midriff tank with the thinnest spaghetti straps and a tiny pair of denim shorts.

The big man groaned. “This outfit again?”

Tessa stared. If Laila wanted to be left alone, did she understand that baiting the big, hungry bear wasn’t a good idea?

“Nothing else is clean.” She crossed her arms over her chest self-consciously.

“I can bring you some things,” Tessa offered.

“No, thank you.”

“I already tried,” Zy said.

“She’s too proud,” Trees groused.

Laila speared him with a glare. “I refuse to owe anyone anything.”

“Can’t you consider some different clothes a favor?”

“I did not ask for this favor.”

“I’m asking you as a favor to me. Does that help?”


Trees stepped back with a shake of his head. “You are a stubborn, stubborn woman.”

She put her hands on her hips. “I have had to be.”

This argument was going nowhere, and Tessa didn’t have time for it. “How about as a favor to me, Laila? My baby is missing, time is running out, and Trees can help me. But he needs to concentrate.”

The woman turned, and her face softened. “I am so sorry. Of course. I will help in any way I can.”

They were about the same size, though she was a bit taller than Laila. Tessa didn’t care what she was wearing as long as they helped Hallie, but swapping clothes would take time, too, and she didn’t have any other garments in the overnight bag. “Would you be willing to put on a coat or wrap yourself in a blanket for a bit?”

Thankfully, Laila agreed, and Trees found her a sweatshirt that fit her like a sack and hung nearly to her knees. As soon as it swallowed her curves, he heaved a huge sigh and got immediately down to business while Laila made coffee and eggs for everyone.

Tags: Shayla Black Wicked & Devoted Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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