Alphahole (Alphahole Roommates 1) - Page 24

I groggily roll out of the bed, thinking it’s my bedroom door, but then I realize it’s the front door. I throw on my robe and tie it. The knocking gets louder. More insistent. I grab my phone in case I need to call 9-1-1.

I glance at my screen as I hurry to the door and see it’s 1:33 AM. I slept right through the evening. Didn’t even have dinner. My stomach rumbles as if agreeing with my thought.

I flick a light on and look out the door’s peep hole.

Aiden is standing there.

I twist the lock and open the door and realize he was using the door to hold himself up. He falls forward and grabs for me and we both go to the floor, but he gasps and gets his hand under my head to cushion my fall. He’s on top of me. He winces.

“Sorry, baby,” he says huskily, and I’m momentarily stunned. Our eyes meet.

His suit is rumpled. His eyes are bloodshot. He reeks of booze.

“Hey Roomie,” he says huskily and leans forward, lifting his hand out from under the back of my head and bracing on his forearms, which are on either side of my face.

“What are you doing?” I demand.

“Losssss my keyssss,” he slurs. He reaches for my hair and he’s playing with my curls. And he looks deep into my eyes.

“Get off me,” I order.

“Hmpf. Good idea.” He grinds against me, and holy crap, he’s got an erection.

And I’m furious.

I shove, hard, and he topples over. I scoot and scamper until I’m on my feet. He’s sitting on the floor, looking up at me, looking disoriented.

“What’s the matter, Curly Sue?” He gets to his knees and starts to crawl toward me.

“You’re drunk; go sleep it off, Aiden.”

“We both know you wanna fuck me,” he says, matter of factly, head tilted, a grin on his face.

I scoff.

“You can’t deny there’s sexual tension…” He lets that hang.

“Go to bed, Aiden.” And I turn to walk away, because I’m not engaging in an asinine conversation with a drunk guy.

He grabs my ankle and I tumble and fall and somehow, he’s moved so that I land right on him. He rolls with me and pins me to the rug.

“Hey!” I protest.

“I like the way you say my name. Wanna see if I can make ya moan it?” He tilts his head again.


“Scream it?”


“Both.” He gives me a wide smile.

“Let go.”

He lets go of me.

“I’m going to bed.” I crawl away and get up.

Tags: D.D. Prince Alphahole Roommates Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024