Avenged (Angel's Halo MC 7) - Page 53

Her bottom lip pouted out. “You don’t have to put your dick in me to make me come.”

Fuck, she was killing me. I had to rearrange my cock behind my zipper before the damn thing became physically embedded in my shaft. “Be good, woman.”

“You’re no fun,” she grumbled.

“Fun comes later,” I promised her and moved to the door when there was a hard knock.

Opening it, I found Raider and Hawk both standing there with the suitcases and other stuff that had been in the trunk of Kelli’s car. “Where you want this shit? It’s heavy.”

I stepped back, letting them in. “Just drop it wherever. I’ll take care of it when I get a minute.”

“What are you doing?” she demanded, watching them drop her things on the floor carelessly. “Why did you bring that stuff in here?”

“Because your clothes are in there. You need clothes, Kell. You can’t walk around the clubhouse naked.” I winked at her, but inside, I was gearing up for this fight. She’d been different this past week, softer, easier to talk to.

I wasn’t sure if it was because she had been out of it from the shooting, or if she was finally understanding that she belonged with me. The last day or so, I could tell she was getting back to being more like her old self, but she was still open. Smiling more. Laughing with Quinn and Raven and anyone else who came to visit her.

It was like the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders, and I loved seeing her like that.

I just prayed that she didn’t decide she still wanted to leave me.

Hawk and Raider glanced at me then muttered something and made a quick exit, leaving me alone with Kelli as she frowned at the stack of suitcases against the far wall, along with a black trash bag and a small box.

“How much longer do you think we’ll be on this stupid lockdown crap?” she surprised me by asking. “I really miss my bed back at my house.”

“It’s going to last until Fontana is taken care of. Hopefully, that won’t be too much longer, though.” I hadn’t been to church with my MC brothers all week, but Bash and the others kept me up to date on what was going on. Soon, we would make our move and take the motherfucker out with Badcock’s help.

“Good. Because Quinn and I need to patch up those bullet holes in the house before the landlord has a hissy fit. We’re never going to get the deposit back now.”

“Don’t worry about the damn deposit. I’ll find us a better place to live once everything else is taken care of,” I assured her.

“There aren’t a lot of options in this town to rent.” She carefully pulled her knees up toward her chest and rested her arm on them, propping her head on her hand. “Not without costing a frigging arm and a leg. Quinn doesn’t make enough money to cover half the rent for something like that.”

“Quinn is moving in with my brother back at the house,” I informed her, dropping down onto the bed beside her.

Her face fell. “Really? She didn’t tell me that.” She exhaled sadly. “I really like living with her.”

“What if we still lived with her?” I put out there. “But at the house…with the rest of my family?”

Her eyes widened. “There are already almost a dozen people living in that house. When Quinn has the baby, it’s going to be even more crowded. It will be worse than if we lived here full time.”

I shook my head. “Not really. Hawk and Gracie are moving in to Jack’s house. Everything he owned is now Gracie’s. And for whatever reason, they announced the other day that they’re moving out.”

“That would still feel really crowded to me,” she said with a frown pinching her brow. “I’m not used to a lot of people being around. I was just getting used to having Quinn as a roommate and you in my bed every night.”

“Then we can find a house to buy. Maybe one close to them,” I suggested hopefully.

“Buy a house…together?”

“Yeah, babe. Married people typically do those kinds of things.”

She punched me in the arm. Hard. “Oh no, you don’t!” she yelled, pushing me off the bed. I landed on my knees with a loud thump and quickly turned to face her. “If that’s a proposal, it sucks just as bad as the last time you mentioned something like that.”

“So that’s a no?” I asked, fighting back a grin.

“That’s a fuck you, no way in hell!” Still on the bed, she scooted to the edge and kicked me in the chest hard enough to send me falling backward. “If you seriously want to marry me, how about asking and not this bullshit assuming? A girl likes that kind of BS, you dickhead. I like that kind of BS.”

Pushing back up to my knees, I grabbed her hands, holding them prisoner in one of mine so she didn’t push me down again. “Like this?” I asked, lifting her hands to my lips and kissing them as I pulled out the tiny box with the expensive as fuck ring tucked inside that I’d picked out months ago in a moment of insanity.

Tags: Terri Anne Browning Angel's Halo MC Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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