Honk if You Love Real Men (Tempting SEALs 1) - Page 8

And awesome.

Maybe she was unworldly and too easily amazed. But there was no denying her reaction. Desire was a thunder inside her.

Jesse stood poised at the edge of the pool for only a second or two, but to Estrella the moment was huge. He was starkly beautiful, a masterpiece of carved muscle and taut sinew. Golden-brown skin was set off by the black furring at his chest and between his legs, where a thick penis hung, its size and potent virility drawing her gaze like a magnet. In that one instant, its proportions swelled and she realized with a mouth gone dry that he was already . . . already . . . ready. And that she could have him if she dared. Have his fully aroused cock thrusting inside her, fill

ing her to the hilt, touching deep, driving her wild.

Estrella swallowed. Beads of perspiration sprang up all over her body. The congestion of moist heat turned her armpits and panties into jungle zones. Her thighs slid against each other as she leaned forward, hands clasped, neck extended, eyes wide.

Jesse Drummond wasn’t a fantasy. He was real. He no longer looked like an unattainable model posing for effect. She could see now that he wasn’t sculpted, oiled and plucked to perfection. His body was hard, veiny, scarred. As unequivocal and severe as the bleakness in his eyes earlier in the day, when she’d become scared and pulled away from their flirtation.

He’d acted then like she hadn’t affected him. But hard evidence: he was here.

And even if the risk was great, she had to find, somewhere inside herself, the confidence to be his match. The reward of that would be unforgettable.

Jesse dived into the pool. What luxury.

But as he swam its length, the warm water parted to his stroke like a woman’s thighs. He soon realized that he preferred the ocean. Wild and untamed, an element to conquer. Swimming pools were too civilized, although they had their uses.

He reached the wall and flipped, gliding underwater before he surfaced and returned to an overhand stroke. His muscles warmed, stretched, blood pumping through them instead of sinking straight to his erection.

When he turned his head, he saw her through the rippling water, walking at a diagonal to the pool, on a course to meet him at the opposite end. So—she had decided to join him, even after the scare tactic of his strip-down. He put his head down and swam hard, welcoming the pull of it in his shoulders. If he didn’t burn off some of his energy, he’d drill a hole right through her.

He surfaced a short distance from the wall. She was poised to flee, though she stayed put, wearing the same clothes as before—a sort of knitted halter top that cupped her breasts like basketball nets and the creased denim miniskirt. The hem of the ruffled flounce rose higher across her rounded ass, making him want to reach around and flip it up. Her legs were slender and brown. Her feet were bare.

She wet her lips. “Hello.”

He lifted his chin out of the water. “You didn’t run.”

Lashes lowered, she traced her big toe over the colorful coping tiles. “So you knew I was there?”

Small voice. Frightened?

He should let her go, untouched. But he wanted to be selfish. “Yes.”

“How did you get in?” After hours, the outside gate was locked, making the pool accessible only to the tenants, through the apartment building.

“Climbed the wall. I hope you don’t mind that I took a swim.”

“No one’s around.” She frowned. “That is, you’re welcome. I invited you, after all. Most guests—” Big breath. “—wear suits.”

“I didn’t have one.”

“That’s okay. I’m not complaining.” Her smile quivered a little, then became smugly serpentine. The knowledge of his naked body reflected from her eyes. He almost laughed, but then she scrubbed her hands on the sides of her skirt and he knew she was still nervous.

He speared his arms through the water, moving closer. “Join me? Water’s warm.”

“I don’t have a suit either.”

He laid his palm on the pool surround. “Does that matter?”

She lowered herself, holding her skirt tight around her thighs with one hand. After a moment’s hesitation, she sat and dropped her legs into the water. “I’m weighing my options.”


“Yes,” she said, her face suffusing with humor. “Unlike you.”

Taking advantage of her distraction, he reached over and lifted her skirt, just a quick peek, but she let out a yelp and shoved it down, kicking him away. “Bikinis,” he said. “More than they wear on the beach in Rio.”

Tags: Lora Leigh Tempting SEALs Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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