Old Money Roulette: Complete Trilogy - Page 85

I didn’t understand.

My father wasn’t grams’ son, and as far as I knew, he was an only child.

The date of birth, though, was the same as my mother’s.

Suddenly feeling lightheaded, I sat down on the bed, trying to process what this could possibly mean.

The similarities between my parents’ resemblance, the dirty looks I could recall from certain people, and the overall oddness to their general relationship in spite of how close they seemed all began to make a sickening amount of sense.

I couldn’t wrap my head around them being brother and sister––twins––no triplets, so did that mean someone was missing? God, I was a baby of incest? My stomach churned violently as a thousand scenarios played out like a silent movie before my eyes.

Expelling a breath, I let the paper float to the floor and ran my hands through my barely combed hair, tugging on the ends. What was wrong with my family? How deep was their dark well of secrets? At this point I felt as if I’d already hit the rocky bottom and now I was just sinking into an endless abyss.

I hated them for leaving me to deal with this alone. I had so many questions and none of them were here to answer or explain this.

None of them were around to help me when I needed them. Trying not to be bitter or angry was far easier said than done. It seemed you never relly knew someone, not even those closest to you.

As I sat staring off into headspace it dawned on me that this box was set up before I’d arrived.

Mateo knew I’d come here. But how?

How was he always one step ahead of me?

Scrubbing a hand over my face, I cursed at the empty air. What the entire hell was going on? My mind was scrambled, being pulled in too many different directions.

Standing up from the bed, I picked the paper up, tucked it in my little purse beside Eva’s cellphone, and headed for the door.

Chapter Fourteen

She burst into the house looking prepared to raise hell.

I loved when she got like this, flustered and confused.

She charged in with zero regard for anything other than getting her momentous number of questions answered; she wasn’t expecting me to be waiting for her just inside the door.

I was leaning against the wall dressed in a simple pair of slacks and a navy blue dress shirt, deep in thought.

When she saw me her face morphed into an amusing scowl causing mine to change into a megawatt smile.

“There you are.” I pushed off the wall and went right up to her, unceremoniously pulling the purse from her shoulder.

“What are you doing?”

She reached for it, but I easily thwarted her stretching hand, slipping an arm around her middle and guiding her down the hall. The long gorgeous locks I loved to wrap around my fist were still damp from her shower. The soft dress she had on hugged the curves I couldn’t get enough of. She’d left my favorite part of her, her face, bare and open for all to judge.

“Where are grams and my uncle?” she asked, following it up with “You’ve known about all this the entire time?”

She sniffed when she caught the strong aroma of garlic bread when we got closer to the dining room.

“I know many things about you, Elena. And everything I didn’t know…How long do you think it took me to find out?” I responded with a slight variation of what we’d discussed in our early days.

Leading her into the room where the table was set and the motives lit, I pulled out a dining chair for her to sit in and then claimed my natural seat at the head of the table.

She rubbed her brow and sighed. “Why do you have to keep leaving these boxes? You said you’d give me what I needed so I had answers; all you’ve done is given me more questions.”

My cook swarmed in with our dinner before I could respond. He silently placed the spaghetti, bread, and salads in front of us before disappearing as quickly as he’d come in.

“That’s Gerald, our cook,” I answered the silent question.

Tags: Natalie Bennett Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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