Old Money Roulette: Complete Trilogy - Page 80

“Those six condoms are worth seventy-two hundred dollars on the streets. That number may seem insignificant to you, but money is money.” He raised the bottle to his mouth and took a healthy swig.

“That’s disgusting.”

“Oh, so you don’t want any?” He held the bottle out in offering.

“No, I want to go home.”

“All right, all right. Way to ruin the fun,” he sighed exaggeratedly.

I stood-by once more as he rolled Alex’s body in one of the sheets of plastic and proceeded to drag it across the floor.

“Come on,” he playfully called out when I had yet to move.

What could we possibly be about to do now?

Chapter Twelve

I didn’t know it was possible to melt a body into nothing.

In the basement of what I would forever deem the little house of horrors, was a room with a wall of what looked like solid black plexi-glass separating it from the rest of the lower level.

“My brother wanted to be the one to show you this, but he’s a bit busy,” Elias explained.

He pulled a crate out of a cubby and passed me a mask that could have gone with a hazmat suit, and thick rubber gloves.

Once I’d pulled the gear on, he was waiting with something else.

“Put these over your shoes.”

I took the blue plastic booties and slid them over my heels, tying them around my ankles.

He hit a silver, circular button on the wall that caused something to click and a soft whirring noise to start up. “Ventilation system,” he explained.

He lifted Alex’s body over his shoulder like it weighed nothing and waltzed into the room beyond.

Ignoring the chaotic fluttering in my stomach, I followed after him.

Even with the lights on, it wasn’t very bright inside. I was able to make out large metal tubs, what I assumed were trash receptacles, and a few other odd items.

Elias dropped the body onto the floor with a gross thud and uncovered one of the metal tubs.

I crept closer to get a better look. All I could see inside was a clear, odor-less substance that looked a little oily.

“What is this?”

“Something you don’t ever want to touch. Help me lift.” He repositioned himself at Alex’s head, and left me by his feet.

We both crouched down to the body, him lifting the upper half and me the lower.

I grasped at the plastic with my gloves when I felt it start to slip through my hands.

“Careful,” Elias warned. “We’re going to lower him in, slowly. Watch your hands.”

Working together, we submerged the body in the tub. When we were done, I waited a full minute before anything started to happen.

It wasn’t noticeable at first, but once it started, it didn’t stop. The plastic began to peel away and simply disappear.

Alex’s body went next.

Tags: Natalie Bennett Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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