Old Money Roulette: Complete Trilogy - Page 63

He was desperate for my approval instead of the other way around. How the tables had turned.

“Your little play thing is not welcome in this establishment,” I tossed over my shoulder as I made my way out of the room.

I heard a gun cock and the woman gasp a second before Sergio casually told her to shut the fuck up when she called my father’s name, and planted a slug in her skull.

I didn’t care enough about his reaction to look back and see it. I imagined he was scrubbing the brain matter off the side of his face.

The man had preached about family values all my life, but had started to forget what those were. I had no qualms about reminding him.

“I’ll see you Saturday,” I said, just before the door to the private room slammed shut. None of the patrons inside the bar uttured a syllable or made eye contact as we passed again.

I silently pulled on a pair of black leather gloves as Sergio drove towards our next destination.

Elias sat in the backseat, mimicking my actions, removing his tie in the process.

I’d texted my doorman, Alfredo, to check on Elena when she didn’t respond to my text message and her cell went to straight to voicemail. He assured me she had gotten something to eat and was now wandering around the house.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Sergio asked, breaking the heavy silence.

“Is there really a need to ask that question?” I replied, sliding the duffel bag out from beneath my seat.

“We’ve been waiting on Ace to fuck up for five years, Serg. Of course we’re ready,” Elias added.

“Just double-checking.” He flashed me a quick grin.

I leaned back in my seat, retrieving a Black Dragon cigar from my inner pocket. There was so much to do within such a short space of time.

I had bales of marijuanga currently coming up the coast and a delivery of yayo arriving at one of my safe houses in less than an hour.

The most crucial endeavor began at sunrise. This round of roulette was going to be unlike than any of the others. It wouldn’t be my last one wiping out an entire family, but I no longer had a desire to hook a woman and then leave her in shambles as I usually did once her mind was broken.

I’d wanted Elena for a long time.

My obsession started as a need to protect her, and then quickly spiraled into a barbaric urge to make her mine.

She was so refreshingly different, the only woman I’d ever wanted to keep. I wanted her in my bed with her pussy wrapped around my cock every single night.

She was a pristine canvas I could paint however I wished. She had a past full of pain that would only make her more cutthroat. My twisted angel held so much potential, all I had to do was dirty her up a little.

My methods would be unorthodox and immoral, but so was our relationship. That was what made it so much more perfect.

People who didn’t understand our world would question me for sending her into the fray, so to speak, but it had to be done.

I couldn’t coddle her. I wouldn’t. Too much effort had gone into acquiring her.

Torture, murder, trafficking…she needed a spine of steel to deal with this lifestyle, and she knew it. Otherwise, she’d be torn apart.

I didn’t want her hiding behind me. I wanted her by my side as the weak knelt at our feet. Eventually, I wanted her swollen with my heirs time and time again—precisely why her abomination of a last name needed to go.

This situation, however, went beyond even that, and until I knew her capabilities and could trust her mind not to completely shatter when all the deceit came to light, I would keep a few skeletons locked away.

I had no choice but to keep dragging her further and further under my control. She would either break and fold, or she would become the queenpin of Vice City.

Chapter Six

It was a simple cape cod with old furnishings.

Thanks to Elias fucking the woman of the house for the past month, he was able to copy the key without her ever knowing.

Tags: Natalie Bennett Romance
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