Old Money Roulette: Complete Trilogy - Page 45

“For starters, I’ve never lied to you about anything other than the game. And lastly, I give you my word I will take you to see her.”

My mind raced, uncertainties and what-ifs coming at me from all angles. Then, I remembered how he described this game to me.

Murder, seduction, and manipulation.

I was the worst possible candidate for this. I didn’t commit murder, and I was half unstable as it was. “I can’t play,” I shook my head. “I’m not a killer.”

“Oh, but you will be.”

Needing a minute, I strolled to a plush chair across from his desk and sat down. I stared at the wooden surface, seeing him on top of me in that very place less than twenty-four hours prior.

When I looked back at him, he had a knowing smirk on his face.

“I hate you,” I muttered.

“No, amada, that’s not true. While you were busy being a pawn, I was busy making you fall in love.”

He stepped closer, tugging the manila envelope from my fingers and placing the white box on my lap.

“We can discuss this later, I need to finish my meeting.” He tossed the folder down on his desk. “I’ll be back, my queen,” he intoned, kissing my cheek. Then, he stroked the top of my head as if I were a dog, and left, shutting the door with a click.

I exhaled a shaky breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. Looking down at my lap, I tore the ribbon off the box and lifted the top off.

“What am I supposed to do with this?” I questioned the empty room.

Inside was a beautiful, special made card.

It rested in a small glass frame that was cushioned by dope and none other than shiny, round polished diamonds.

It was a deep blue with a diamond in the center. I knew exactly what it represented. The queen of diamonds–me personified as a game piece. Four Q’s with little crowns framed the centerpiece. I looked for a note that would explain some miraculous alternative as to why he gave it to me but there was nothing, only a small white tag attached to one of the polished stones

There were two words sprawled in elaborate font.

Game on.

Table of Contents



King Of Hearts


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Tags: Natalie Bennett Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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