Summer Sins - Page 124

He flushed again, reminding her so much of his father she felt a sudden tightening in her chest. Raymond had told her of his first official meeting with his son, how it had gone, and how poignant it had been. Hayley’s hunch had been right: Daniel had already suspected who his father was but had forbidden Jasper to reveal the truth for the sake of Raymond’s position in the community. But in the end Raymond had decided to leave the priesthood and pursue a career in social work, which had already brought both him and Daniel a great deal of happiness.

Hayley hadn’t heard from Jasper. She had sent him rent money but the envelopes had been returned each time unopened. She wasn’t sure what to make of that but assumed he was determined to cut off all contact, even though he owned the property she lived in.

She had seen a photo of him in one of the gossip magazines; he had been surrounded by group of glamorous young women, which seemed to indicate he had well and truly moved on.

‘So … how are you?’ Daniel asked, his hazel eyes slipping briefly to the slight bulge of her abdomen.

‘I’m fine,’ she said. ‘I’m over the worst of the morning sickness now.’

‘That’s good.’

There was an awkward silence.

Hayley watched as Daniel fidgeted in his chair, his eyes flicking anywhere but to hers.

‘He loves you,’ he suddenly announced baldly, meeting her eyes at last. ‘He really loves you.’


Daniel rolled his eyes. ‘Jasper, of course.’

Hayley tightened her mouth. ‘Then why doesn’t he come in here and tell me himself?’

‘He’s too proud,’ he said. ‘I keep telling him he’s got to get himself sorted out but he won’t listen. I’m worried about him.’

‘I’m sure he’ll find someone else to console himself with,’ she said. ‘Or several someones.’

‘No,’ Daniel insisted. ‘You don’t understand. He’s totally screwed up over this. He doesn’t want a divorce, I know he doesn’t.’

‘He has a funny way of showing it,’ she remarked wryly.

‘He thought you were going to rip him off, but you didn’t ask for a thing. You even left the rings he bought you behind. He wasn’t expecting that.’

‘How do you think I’ve felt for the last three months vomiting every time I think of food with no one to support me?’ she said.

Daniel looked uncomfortable. ‘I know it must have been tough, but he’s a bit stubborn, as you know.’ He reached into the back pocket of his jeans, took out a piece of computer paper and handed it to her. ‘You should read this before you give up on him. I saw it by accident when I was doing an assignment on his computer. It’s an email from his lawyer documenting that the flat you’re living in is now yours.’

Hayley stared at the message, hardly able to believe her eyes. It was there in black and white, the flat was now in her name.

‘Will you at least come and see him?’ Daniel asked into the long silence. ‘He’s been so wonderful to me. He’s set up a trust fund for me so I can go to agricultural college in a couple of years’ time. The property he bought in the Southern Highlands is for me. It’s what I’ve always dreamed of doing. I can’t believe he’s been so generous. He’s waiting on council approval on Crickglades to come through, but when it does he’s going to incorporate a big youth centre complex there. He’s getting the gardens his mother designed restored so they can be enjoyed by everyone who visits.

‘I’ve been staying with him on and off for the last three months but it’s not the same without you there. Rosario says the same. I know the spelling’s different but you’re like Halley’s comet. You’re the only bright thing he’s had in his life in years.’

She pursed her mouth at him. ‘You know, I can tell you’re a Caulfield,’ she said. ‘You’re already showing signs of that lethal charm.’

He smiled. ‘I don’t know how to thank you for what you did for me in uncovering the truth before my mother’s husband could go to the press. I have two fathers now instead of one. Raymond is a great guy. I can’t believe the way he has given up everything to be there for me. But then I think of Jasper and he’s the same. The greatest love a person can show for another is to give their life for another person. Jasper did that for me when I needed it most.’

Hayley struggled to hold the tears back. ‘Will he be home this evening?’

‘I’ll make sure he is,’ he said. ‘I’ll make myself scarce so you can talk to him in private.’

‘You don’t have to do that; it’s your home as well.’

‘Not for much longer. I’m going back to Mum’s now that creep has moved out since she told him she wants

a divorce. But in the meantime I’m going to spend more and more time at Raymond’s place. He and I have some stuff planned with some homeless kids. I’m helping him with a community project. I love it. It’s so amazing seeing the change in young kids’ lives.’

Tears sprang from her eyes. ‘Daniel, I’m so proud of you,’ she said. ‘You really are one special guy.’

Tags: Julia James Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024