Summer Sins - Page 111

‘Get in,’ he barked at her as he wrenched op

en the door.

Hayley got in and he snapped the door shut and strode around to the driver’s side, his expression thunderous as he started the car with a bellowing roar.

‘Jasper, I—’

‘Leave it,’ he cut her off tersely. ‘I don’t want to hear any of your bare-faced lies.’

‘But you don’t understand—’

‘I understand what you’re up to, Hayley. I’ve suspected it from the start. You could have easily got out of marrying me in spite of the pressure I put on you, but you didn’t because you wanted a chance to get revenge and what better way than the way your mother did to my father?’

‘That’s not true,’ she said. ‘It was at first, I admit, but not now.’

‘I suppose you’re going to say you’ve fallen in love with me just to dig the dagger in a bit harder, aren’t you?’ he accused. ‘But don’t waste your breath. You might be a great lay, sweetheart, but that’s all you’re getting from me and only for another few days.’

Anger came to her shattered pride’s rescue. ‘I don’t want anything from you,’ she said. ‘You’re a cold, unfeeling bastard and I hope you rot in hell.’

He drove the rest of the way back to his house in a simmering silence, his expression so dark with fury she felt a flicker of fear deep inside her belly.

Once inside the house she made to go up the stairs but he caught her arm on the way past and pulled her back to face him. ‘Not so fast, baby girl. I haven’t finished with you yet.’

She slapped at his hand. ‘I have nothing to say to you.’

‘I wasn’t thinking along the lines of conversation,’ he said, pulling her close to his hard body, his eyes glittering with sexual heat. ‘What about it, sugar? Want to make the most of this marriage while it lasts?’

Hayley tried not to look at the sensual curve of his mouth and looked into his dark, smouldering gaze instead. But that was an even bigger mistake. She felt the magnetic pull, the force of attraction too strong to resist as his mouth came crashing down on hers. It was a kiss of turbulent, out-of-control emotions; anger, passion, frustration and frantic need were all there in a cataclysmic combination that threatened to unravel her completely. His tongue delved between her lips like a torpedo on a search and destroy mission, each swoop and thrust rendering her boneless in his crushing hold.

His hands pushed away the straps of her dress with rough urgency until he found her smooth naked form, her nipples so tight they drove their rosy points into his palms as he cupped her. His mouth left hers to take each peak between his teeth in a grazing action that was both painful and pleasurable until he opened his mouth over her and sucked on her hard. She whimpered at the abrasion of his tongue, the hot pull of his mouth making her toes curl in delight.

He turned her around, lifting her dress to her waist, his body probing her from behind with an eroticism she could barely withstand. Her whole body trembled with anticipation as he shoved her knickers to one side, the rasp of his zip sending her heart rate soaring.

‘Oh, yes … ‘she gasped breathlessly as he drove into her silken warmth, burying himself so deeply she could feel him against the neck of her womb.

The pace he set carried her along with him on a rollercoaster ride of nerve-tingling ecstasy until she was sobbing out her release, her body convulsing with rapture as he burst inside her with a grunt of deep satisfaction.

He withdrew and turned her around and kissed her hard on the mouth, his hands cupping her face for a moment before he finally released her.

She stood uncertainly before him, her body still tingling from the scorch of his touch. ‘Jasper?’

He turned and zipped up his trousers, his hand scoring a rough pathway through the thickness of his hair as he moved to the other side of the room, his back like an impenetrable wall.

Hayley wasn’t a hundred per cent sure, but she suspected he was as deeply affected by their lovemaking as she was. The expression she had seen pass so fleetingly over his face was one of startled bewilderment, as if he had never experienced something so powerful or so totally consuming before.

‘I know you probably won’t believe me, Jasper, but I didn’t plan to meet Myles this evening.’

He turned around to face her, his expression tight with cynicism. ‘You’re right. I don’t believe you.’

‘I mean it, Jasper. I wouldn’t betray you like that. I don’t feel anything for Myles, in fact I wonder now if I ever did.’

‘I’m not interested, Hayley,’ he said, retrieving his mobile phone from his back pocket as it began to beep with a message tone. He looked down at the screen, a heavy frown bringing his brows almost together.

‘I suppose that’s another one of your lovers looking for you, is it?’ she asked before she could stop herself. ‘You’re such a hypocrite dragging me back here acting like a jealous husband just because I happened to innocently run into my ex-fiancé when you bed hop more than a bedbug. But then I’m just your temporary wife. Why should I care if you go from me to her?’

His eyes met hers for a brief moment, the hardness in their chocolate-brown depths sending an arrow right through her heart. ‘That’s right, Hayley,’ he said. ‘Why should you care?’

Because I damn well love you, that’s why. The words were on her tongue and just about to spill out, but before she could open her mouth he had turned and left, the door snapping shut behind him with a chilling finality.

Tags: Julia James Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024