The Dare (The Bet 3) - Page 32

I snorted. "Know what that's like."

"Anyway." Beth cleared her throat., "I've been thinking."

"That can get you into trouble."

"I know." She played with the half-empty cup in her hands, twirling it ar

ound a few times before leaning back against her seat. "I know this situation isn't ideal. I know you have a lot going on. But, I think this is what I needed. A vacation. To get away for a bit. I'm just sorry that you got drug into it."

I threw my head back and laughed. "Honey, it was my own damn fault. I actually said yes to Grandma." Shrugging, I continued. "I was, uh, supposed to hit on your sister and get her to like me. There was a certain wager going on between Grandma, Kacey, and Travis. They wanted someone good for Char, and Grandma wanted to win the wager. Clearly, Grandma succeeded. Jake and Char seem happy."

"So you are still a white knight, sweeping in just in time to save the day." Beth sighed.

I, in turn, panicked. "What do you mean? White knight?"

"I remember." She broke a chip in her hand and popped it in her mouth. "Senior year. You were at prom with your cousin."

My palms got sweaty all over again as I rubbed them on my pants and waited for what was next.

"You swept in and danced with me when I was pouting all by myself."

I laughed. "Believe me when I say, there was nothing white-knightish about your rescue."

Her face fell. "What do you mean?"


She nodded. "I thought you were really hot."

The sound of Beth's laughter filling the crisp night air may as well have been a damn explosion inside my chest — I would have been happy to listen to her laugh all night.

"Thanks." She smiled. "That made my night."

"That's a shame." The word were out of my mouth before I could stop them. "Because as far as compliments go, it was pretty shitty. I hope that you've been told that you're more than hot. I hope guys use the big words with you. You're a big words type of girl."

Beth's smile tightened; she shrugged and looked away. "Char says Jake gives good compliments. It's sweet."

With a frown, I set down the cup. "You don't seem convinced that it's sweet at all. If anything, your entire body just slumped further into your chair, and your shoulders fell forward. Don't you like Jake?" Personally I thought he was a spoiled ass, but he was working on it, and I respected him for that.

"It's not that."

Beth shook her head and stared down at the damn cup in her hands. Irritated, I grabbed the cup, forcing her to look up.

"It sounds ridiculous when I say it out loud."

"What does?"

Beth rolled her eyes. "I don't even know you. I'm not going to get all emotional on you."

"Lies," I smirked. "I've danced with you for at least three minutes and shared a few hours in bed with you. And if Grandma has her say about anything, we're most likely engaging in some sort of Hawaiian wedding tradition where sharing rum punch means we're married."

"Valid point."

"Tell you what. This is a free pass. Besides, we're on the ocean. Nobody can hear us, no cell phones are going off, and there's no media. It's just you and me. You want to howl at the damn moon, just say the word. I've officially made the ocean Switzerland."

Her mouth curved into a smile. "Neutral? Hmm, can senators do that?"

I paused then snapped my fingers. "Just did."

Tags: Rachel Van Dyken The Bet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024