The Mistress's Secret - Page 14

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As tense as a board, holding Nicky's hand, Alanna stood as Leon's parents hurried toward them across the huge, ornate drawing room of the Andreakos mansion in Athens.

What if they rejected Nicky for being her son? The woman they blamed for Nikos's death.

There was a volley of excited Greek, and then Leon's father scooped up Nicky, hugging him close.

In wonder, Alanna saw tears on his cheeks. And then his wife was there, kissing Nicky, calling herself his Ya-ya who loved him already and forever.

Champagne was uncorked, fizzing lemonade for Nicky, more Greek, more exclamations, and then, suddenly, switching to English, Leon's mother turned to her.

"Oh, my dear, how you have suffered for our sakes! But now we beg your forgiveness for the wrong we did you when Nikos died."

The room went completely and utterly silent.

Then, into the silence, Leon's father spoke.

"Nicky, come and see the swimming pool."

Happily, Nicky put his hand into his grandfather's and was led away. Leon's mother paused. Her eyes were huge.

She touched Alanna's wrist. Her voice full of emotion.

"We never knew the truth about my poor Nikos…till recently. The son of a friend let it slip. And when we knew the truth, we understood. Understood why he died. That it was not your fault! But Leon, Leon does not know. You must tell him, my child, so that he may have the happiness that he, too, deserves — as you deserve yours."

She kissed Alanna and followed her husband and her grandson from the room.

As the door clicked behind her, Leon spoke.

"Tell me what? What do I not know about Nikos?"

She moved away from him. Shock was still buckling through her.

"Tell me!" The urgency in Leon's voice demanded an answer.

She swallowed. His parents wanted her to tell him. Tell him the secret she had promised Nikos she would keep for ever — as she had.

Until now.

She took a deep, shuddering breath.

"Nikos was gay," she said. "And terrified of it, of discovery. That's why he had so much psychiatric treatment. He married me to hide it. On — on the night that he died, the man who came to the house was not my lover. He was Nikos's. He came in a jealous rage, demented that Nikos had married. After — after they had both died in each other's arms, I could not add to your parents' grief, to yours, by telling what I had promised Nikos never to tell…."

"So you let us think the man was your lover and took the blame for Nikos's death." Leon's voice fell like a tolling bell.

"It was all that I could do. I felt so guilty…."

"Guilty! What cause was there for you to feel guilty?"

She shut her eyes, then opened them.

"Because I knew I should never have married him, despite his pleas. He begged me — that morning, when he came to your apartment, and discovered…"

She broke off.

"Discovered what?" Leon's eyes burned into hers.

"Discovered I was leaving you."

Tags: Julia James Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024