Eternal Flames (The Amagarians 2) - Page 57

He nodded and withdrew his sword.

The beast roared as it rushed towards Ajali’s fallen form. Hundreds of warriors kept landing in the arena between the demon and their King, and they kept falling. Tehdra’s throat clogged. So many fought and sacrificed for Ajali. No one wanted his death, and for her it would be unbearable. Yet they would not defeat them, because every lick of fear, anger and despair only made it stronger. Their very emotions acted against them. His blades would fall like the hundreds now battling and dying. They could have defeated the Darkan, but not a summoned beast. She could not hope to defeat a summoned beast, but Tehdra was willing to die trying to save her mate. The mate that would hate and revile her once she revealed her nature.

She would give her life to ensure Gidon did not fall…and what would she give for her mate? Her soul, her honor…everything. To render any aid would be to fail her realm and king. Once it was revealed a Darkan had been spying in their kingdom, the Nurians would demand blood. But how could she stand and watch her mate slain. The pain that clawed up the back of Tehdra’s throat almost felled her. She was just like her brother…placing her mate above her realm.

Darkans are our natural enemies and will never be our allies.” The coldly stated words reverberated inside her.


She leaped to the ledge of the railing with his blades. She heard Uriah’s swift intake of breath.

“Tehdra, stand down! Do not place yourself in the way of harm.”

She turned to him, and from the uncertainty that flickered over his face, she knew he glimpsed the darkness she no longer tried to hide.

“I will bring him in, Tehdra,” Gavyn barked. “Stand down.”

Her veil cracked. Without responding, she launched herself from the railing and landed into the arena as the last warrior fell under the claws of the beast.


Acheron’s stomach clenched in hard knots as Tehdra turned her head and her gaze encompassed the balcony. Profound evil stared back at them. Cold and pitiless. He flinched when she threw back her head, and emitted a deafening cross between a snarl and a roar. It resounded around the coliseum, and the earth trembled. The sound, powerful, terrifying and filled with rage, was a blatant challenge for dominion.

Charka roiled around her with menace. Fangs punched from her mouth, and vicious claws elongated from her nails. Sleek muscles bunched and contracted, and her eyes slitted and gleam a deep red that appeared to be alight with madness.

He heard Gavyn’s hard inhalation of shock.

“She’s a fucking Darkan?” It was an exclamation of raw disbelief and dread from Uriah.

The beast in the coliseum rumbled back its challenge, and rushed at their fallen king.

Tehdra moved with predatory speed to deflect its blow. Her grace and movement was superior to any fighting style Acheron had ever seen. He struggled to track their movements, their speed unfathomable.

“Why…?” a hoarse rasp from Uriah echoed Acheron’s confusion.

“She fights for us,” Gavyn said.

“She is the enemy!” The high chancellor snarled.

“Yet the enemy is fighting her own people for our king,” Acheron said. “Look at her prowess. Her rage is tangible—so tangible I can taste it through her chakra. Anyone that fights for our kingdom is a friend of the House of Thessaly.”

“And of Walkhyer.”

“And of Westk’arr,” Gavyn said.

Tehdra was a Darkan—their kingdom’s enemy. Acheron held Gavyn’s gaze as the import of what they were swearing hit him. Their cadre of blades stared in the coliseum as she battled with a corporeal beast and its master. Acheron swiveled his head to regard each blade as they spoke.

“And of the House of Tremayne.”

“And of the House of Thalame.”

“The House of Reyd is in debt to any kingdom that fights for the House of Haddin,” Atreus murmured without removing his gaze from the battle.

“The House of Tyrieon is indebted to Tehdra of the Darkage.”

“The House of Wylliam pledges support.”

“The House of Cathal pledges repayment.”

Tags: Stacy Reid The Amagarians Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024