Cruel Love (Privilege 6) - Page 35

“Oh, please. You’re not getting off that easily,” Tahira said, watching with one eye as the saleslady placed her purchases into their cushy boxes. “I mean, Jasper’s a cutie, don’t get me wrong. But Palmer is … Palmer.”

“And Palmer’s a jerk,” Maria put in.

“Yes, but only since the breakup,” Tahira reminded them.

“I don’t know. Jasper and I bonded during pledging and there was always something intriguing about him,” Ariana said with a blush. She dragged her finger across a row of hanging Coach keychains, letting them swing and clink together. “Palmer was always very by-the-book, very black-and-white and predictable. But Jasper is … surprising.”

Maria grinned and raised her eyebrows. “Sounds delish.”

Ariana’s blush deepened. “You have no idea.”

“Okay. Now I’m intrigued,” Tahira said, tossing her dark hair over her shoulder. “And starved. I say you spill all the delish details over tapas.”

“I could be in for that,” Maria said.

“Me too. But you have to eat more than one thing,” Ariana said, raising a warning finger at Maria.

“Who said you get to mother me?” Maria said good-naturedly. “You’re the one we’ve got to keep an eye on around here, Miss Panic Attack.”

Ariana’s skin prickled. If she could take back anything from the past few days it would be having that minor breakdown in front of her friends. She didn’t want them to worry about her. But even more importantly, she didn’t want them to lose confidence in her, especially with Palmer talking crap about her behind her back. Maybe Tahira hadn’t cared, but that didn’t mean everyone would be so open-minded. She needed to project a self-assured, in-charge, sane image, not that of a weakling who could crumble at any second.

“That was a fluke,” she told Maria, looping her arm around her friend’s. “It won’t happen again, I promise. I’m fine.”

“Ready?” Tahira asked, joining them with two massive bags dangling from either hand.


As the girls walked out of the department store and onto the dark, frigid street, Ariana fished her car keys from her bag. She hit the UNLOCK button and the headlights on her sleek, silver sports car flashed. With another click, she popped the trunk for Tahira’s bags. She and Maria waited on the sidewalk while Tahira loaded her things inside and slammed the door.

“So, Ana, how long did you think you were going to be able to hold out on us?” she asked, leaning one red-gloved hand against the trunk.

Ariana blinked. “Hold out on you? About what? Jasper?”

“No.” Tahira brushed her leather gloves off as she rejoined them on the sidewalk. “I was on the APH student site today and they had a list of all the upcoming birthdays. Someone we know was on it!” she said, singing the last few words.

Ariana’s brow knit, and then suddenly her heart thumped extra hard against her rib cage. Briana Leigh’s birthday! It was December 12. How could she have possibly forgotten?

“Ana! It’s your birthday?” Maria asked, her eyes widening with delight. “When?”

Ariana finally forced herself to blush and looked down at her feet.

“Next week. I guess I don’t really feel much like celebrating,” she improvised, drawing an arc on the silty concrete with the toe of her suede boot. “Besides, wouldn’t it be a little selfish right now? Making myself the center of attention?”

“Gimme a break,” Tahira said, rolling her eyes as she headed for the passenger side door. “I am totally throwing you a party.”

Ariana’s heart fluttered in excitement. She hadn’t been able to celebrate her election as Stone and Grave president, but this would more than make up for that.

“You don’t have to do that,” she said.

“Just try to stop me,” Tahira said, narrowing her eyes.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t try to stop her,” Maria joked. “You know what? Maybe I’ll help. It’ll give me something to distract me from Lexa and the Soomie situation.”

“Cool. Just as long as we’re clear that all final decisions are mine,” Tahira said.

Maria smirked. “Ma’am, yes, ma’am.”

Ariana gave them a small, modest smile. “Okay. Thanks, guys. Just … don’t go overboard.”

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024