Cruel Love (Privilege 6) - Page 29

She ended the call and shoved the phone away.

“God. Where could she possibly be?” Tahira mused, pushing her hands into her pockets.

“I just don’t get it,” Maria said, tilting her head back and blowing a cloud of steam toward the sky.

“I know,” Ariana chimed in, glancing over her shoulder at the dining hall. “You’d think her parents would at least call us and let us know where she is. Don’t they realize there are people here who care about their—”

The words died on her tongue as a dog’s bark, loud and persistent, filled the air. Suddenly the entire world constricted to a tiny, solid, pinprick. Walking past them, not three yards away, were Dr. Meloni and his trusty dog, Rambo. The dog strained on his leash, lurching in her direction, as if he recognized her scent. Ariana turned away from the dog, but she could hear Dr. Meloni coaxing the Doberman under his breath, cooing to him to behave.

“Come on, Rambo. Come on, boy. You know better than that.”

As he passed, he shot a glance at Ariana and her friends. Ariana’s knees went weak. She sidestepped slightly, angling so that her face wouldn’t be visible past Maria’s shoulder.

“Ana? Are you okay?” Maria asked, reaching for her. “You look like you’re gonna pass out.”

“Are you having another … episode?” Tahira asked under her breath.

Ariana shook her head, but couldn’t formulate an answer. Episode? Her friends thought she was having episodes? This was so not good. And if Palmer had said anything … well, then that was even worse. Dr. Meloni and Rambo kept moving away, headed slowly toward the Administration Building, but even with the distance between them, Ariana couldn’t seem to make herself breathe.

“Ana?” Maria said.

Tahira gripped her arm. “Ana? You’re turning purple.”

Come on, Ariana. Just breathe! But he’s here. He’s right there. He’s going to destroy me.

Ariana doubled over, bracing her hands above her knees.

“Omigod! She’s not breathing,” Maria said. “We have to get a doctor.”

I have to run. I have to get the hell out of here. I have to … to … to run!

Her mind started to fog over. Her brain floated in space. She was going to faint. If she didn’t get some oxygen soon, she was done for.

Breathe, Ariana. Just breathe.

“I’m going inside,” Tahira said. “I’ll grab the nurse! Or that new shrink. Shrinks know CPR, right?”

“No!” the word growled out of Ariana’s throat. Tahira froze.

Breathe, Ariana. Just breathe.

Ariana closed her eyes, concentrated as hard as she could, and sucked in a breath.

In, one … two … three …

Out, one … two … three …

In, one … two … three …

Out, one … two … three …

Tahira placed her hand on Ariana’s back in a comforting way, holding it there until she was finally able to stand up straight again. Until she was finally able to see clearly.

“God, Ana. Are you all right?” Maria asked, looking terrified.

“Everything all right over there, ladies?” Meloni called out.

“Tell him I’m fine,” Ariana said through clenched teeth.

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024