Sweet Deceit (Privilege 4) - Page 17

“Yes!” Ariana replied.

“My friends and I nearly died laughing when she walked outside and put the hood on,” Kaitlynn added smoothly.

“And? What happened?” Rob asked, hovering behind Palmer’s chair.

“Well, the next day the girl had a crew cut and the hoodies were gone. For good,” Ariana said with a conspiratorial smile. She would never forget how hard Noelle had laughed when she spied the girl’s new coif. It was the beginning of their friendship.

“Anyway, from what I’ve heard, Martin Tsang is a member of some kind of . . . secret society?” Ariana said with a sly smile. Her fellow taps tensed up, realizing she was trying to talk about the societies without actually avowing knowledge of them. After all, A

riana still didn’t know for sure who at the table was a member, and who was not.

“Right. He’s in the Fellows,” Palmer said, clearing his throat. “He’s not the best at keeping it a secret.”

“So, if the Fellows have robes . . . ,” Kaitlynn said in a leading way.

“And what self-respecting secret society doesn’t?” Jasper added.

“Then we could get not only Martin, but all of his friends, too,” Ariana finished.

“They’d all have to get their hair cut,” Palmer said, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Do you realize what that means?” he said, looking at Lexa.

“That not only would we get them back, but we would find out who their members are. Every last one of them,” Lexa said, giving Ariana and Kaitlynn an impressed look. “Not bad, girls,” she said, taking a sip of her coffee.

Ariana hadn’t even thought of that last angle, but she was glad Lexa had. This plan really was perfect.

“Lily, you’re a genius,” Maria said.

“Agreed,” Conrad said with a smile. Kaitlynn beamed so brightly that Ariana was nearly blinded.

“And I just happen to know where the Fellows keep their supplies,” Palmer whispered, leaning his forearms on his knees. “Last year at a crew party, Jeff Dorian got drunk and blabbed about it. They’re in the back of the supply closets just off the Grand Hall.”

“So let’s do this!” Rob said loudly, clapping his meaty palms together.

“Now?” Lexa whispered, glancing over her shoulder at Martin and his pals.

“You’re the one who said it has to be fast,” Palmer said, getting up and grabbing his coat. “Let’s go, you two.”

Once again, everyone looked at Ariana and Kaitlynn.

“Us? Really?” Kaitlynn said, glancing at Conrad uncertainly.

Ariana was surprised as well. She would have thought the taps would be excluded from actual Stone and Grave business.

“Your brilliant idea. You’re in,” Palmer said, motioning for them to join him.

Ariana and Kaitlynn exchanged a giddy look. Ariana had just won major Stone and Grave points for both of them.

“Okay. But if we’re coming, Jasper and Landon are coming too,” Ariana said, feeling benevolent.

“Fine. The more the better,” Palmer said. “Now let’s do this.”

Ariana, Kaitlynn, and the boys got up and gathered their things. As Ariana slipped past Lexa’s chair, Lexa made no move to shift her legs out of the way.

“Are you guys coming?” Ariana asked Lexa and Maria.

“We told Soomie we’d meet her here after her grief counseling thing,” Lexa said, waving a hand. “But I want to hear all the details.”

Ariana glanced at Kaitlynn, who shrugged and tugged her coat on.

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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