Perfect Mistake (Privilege 3) - Page 61


Ariana stared out the window of the black stretch limousine as it whipped past the long, snaking line of luxury cars waiting to be cleared by the Norwegian embassy's security team. Curious partygoers strained their necks to get a glimpse of the car with the Norwegian flags adorning its front grill, wondering which of Norway's esteemed dignitaries were inside.Imagine what they would have thought if they could have seen inside and spotted Landon Jacobs downing a thick, dark Guinness from a can while Palmer and Christian cheered him on and Brigit, the beloved princess of Norway, curled into a corner screeching and laughing, just hoping he wouldn't spit it all out all over her.

"Ah. That's the stuff," Landon said, lifting the larger--than--usual--size beer can over his head. "Thanks to the good people of Ireland for that."

Then he belched. Long and loud. Even Soomie looked disgusted.


"Ah, the things you've learned on your world travels," Maria intoned jokingly.

"Yeah, maybe on next year's tour you could, I don't know, take in a museum or two," Lexa joked.

"If they'll pay me to sing, I'm in," Landon replied.

"You're such a fame whore," Maria said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Ah, but that's why you love me," Landon replied, jostling her with his elbow.

Maria blushed and got up to sit next to Lexa, clearly not wanting anyone in the car to take that love comment seriously. Lexa, meanwhile, looked plenty in love herself. She cuddled into the crook of Conrad's arm and he leaned in to kiss her forehead. Lexa smiled, then glanced out of the corner of her eye to make sure Palmer was watching. He wasn't. He was looking, instead, at Ariana. Quickly, Ariana trained her gaze out the window again as the limo turned onto the circular brick drive leading up to the embassy. Pretending to be oblivious to both Palmer and Lexa was key at this point. The last thing she wanted to do tonight was answer a bunch of Lexa's questions about why Palmer kept staring at her. The go--to answer would be have no idea what you're talking about. But she wasn't sure how long she could keep that up.

"We're here!" Brigit announced merrily as the car came to a stop.

Outside, a hundred camera lenses flanking the red carpet turned to face them. Ariana could hear the helicopters circling overhead, and saw at least a half--dozen uniformed guards stationed along the front


lines of the crowd. A red carpet led up to the front door of the mansion that was the embassy, and the whole facade glittered with light.

"I have to go last, you guys. You know the drill," Brigit said. Adam clutched her hand, looking pale and clammy. Apparently the reality of exactly whom he was dating had just hit home full force.

"I'm on it," Landon said.

He flung open the door of the limousine and stepped out, his arms raised above his head. Instantly there was a communal gasp, followed by a cheer.

"Oh my God! Is that Landon Jacobs?" someone shouted. And suddenly, flashbulbs shattered the night, clicking and blinking and winking like a thousand psychotic fireflies. Landon strolled down the red carpet solo, posing here, chatting with a reporter there. The guy knew exactly how to work a crowd.

"At least he's good for creating a diversion," Maria said under her breath, holding the skirt of her dark pink gown as she stepped out.

"Come on. He's good for way more than that," Soomie said, following after her with starry eyes.

Christian jumped out and reached back for Ariana's hand. "Milady."

Ariana shot him a smile, but got out on her own. "Sorry, Chris, but I'm not anyone's arm candy," she said, patting him on the arm. "Save me a dance, though."

Christian's face fell, but he recovered quickly, sidling up next to Maria. Random Boy's feelings were the last thing on Ariana's mind. After her tiff with Palmer, this night had become all about work. She glanced over her shoulder at the next limo, which had transported Kaitlynn,


Tahira, and Zuri, plus Allison--whom Brigit had invited because she was a Stone and Grave potential--among others. Ariana had to wait for them to get out of the car without making it too obvious.

"I'd never call you arm candy," Palmer whispered to her as he slipped by. Then he slapped Christian on the back and the two of them walked into the party together.

Lexa and Conrad were next out of the car. Lexa put on a big grin for the paparazzi and Ariana heard a few whispers of "Lexa Greene" and "senator's daughter" skitter through the crowd. She looped her arm through Conrad's and looked at Ariana.

"You coming, Ana?"

"Actually, I'm going to wait for Lily," Ariana replied, her smile forced. "I'll be right in."

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024