Perfect Mistake (Privilege 3) - Page 58

Stone and Grave. This ridiculous spectacle was going to get her into Stone and Grave.

And then Ariana started to sing.

"Til take you home if you don't leave me by the front door. . . .'"

"Whoo! Go Ana!" Brigit shouted, raising her hands above her head.

Ariana smiled her thanks, but at this point her eyes were so blurred over by tense tears and sweat, she couldn't entirely make her out in the crowd.

'"Your body's cold, but boy we're getting so warm.

This elicited cheers and hollers from the guys nearest to her table.


Students started to crowd forward from every corner of the room, wanting to get to the table first, wanting to see this outrageous display up close. Ariana could hardly stand the attention, all the eyes on her, the expectant grins and the cheers, but she kept on working it. Kept singing and dancing, doing a little twist, taking it down toward the table and back up again. Every new move inspired more cheers, and soon the student body was clapping to the beat. By the time Ariana reached the chorus, they were singing along.

'"Shake shake! Shake shake shake it!'"

The table gyrated under Ariana's feet. She took a second to steady hers

elf and realized with some gratification that it was the result of dozens of people jumping up and down in support. Her heart was still slamming painfully, but her body heat began to normalize and her vision cleared. That was when she spotted Palmer and couldn't help laughing. He was holding up his cell phone like a lighter at the back of the crowd, waving it slowly back and forth with a faux--dazed look of admiration on his face.

After that, Ariana really let loose.

And in less than three minutes it was over. The dining hall erupted in appreciative applause. Ariana took a quick bow and jumped down from the table. She looked at her friends. Maria held up a torn sheet of notebook paper on which she'd hastily scribbled a 10. Soomie held up a 9.5.

"Thank you, thank you," Ariana said.

"What the heck was that all about?" Lexa asked, grabbing her hand.


As if she didn't know.

"The other day Brigit reminded me of those duets we used to do at camp and I guess I just felt inspired," Ariana replied, playing the game.

"Well, then you should have asked me to sing with you," Lexa said. "I definitely would have backed you up."

"Thanks," Ariana replied, dropping into a chair next to her speaker. "But this was meant to be a solo."

Brigit gave Ariana a hug from behind and whispered in her ear. "Nice job, Ana. That was a spectacle if I ever saw one."

Ariana beamed. She didn't even care that she was probably going to be talked about for the rest of the day. Maybe even weeks. Maybe even years. It would all be worth it.

As the waiter appeared to take their orders and the students settled in at their own tables, Ariana felt perfectly at ease. Still breathless, but at ease. She'd done it.

Lexa and Conrad sat down across from her and Ariana blinked. They were holding hands. Lexa saw Ariana notice, and grinned.

"Does this mean . . . ?" Ariana said.

Rather than answer, Lexa leaned forward so she could see Brigit. "Hey Bridge, Conrad's going to be my plus--one for the NoBash. In case you need to notify the calligrapher."

"Really?" Brigit squealed, clapping her hands. "I'm texting her right now!"

"That's so great, you guys," Ariana said.

"I think so," Conrad said, leaning back and putting his arm around

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024