Perfect Mistake (Privilege 3) - Page 56

'"Bye," Ariana said, feeling a whoosh of loss as he turned to go.


He greeted Tahira as he walked by her and strolled off, plucking his baseball out of his bag again.

"Hello Ana," Tahira said, stopping in front of her.

Her thick hair was up in a high ponytail, and gaudy gold earrings dangled from her ears. She was wearing the exact same practice uniform as Ariana, but several of the buttons on her polo were undone. The girl just couldn't handle the idea of modesty, even while working out.

"What do you want?" Ariana asked.

"Touchy, touchy," Tahira said, twirling the handle of her aluminum racket with one hand. "Have I done something to upset you?"

"Not today," Ariana replied coolly. She started to walk toward the courts again and Tahira fell into step at her side. There were already several people warming up, lobbing balls across the nets, and Ariana felt a thrill of anticipation rush through her. After her encounter with Palmer, she was very much in the mood to kick a little tennis ass.

He thought she could do anything. Bulldoze over anyone. Actually, now that she thought about it, she kind of liked that metaphor.

"I think you mean, 'Not yet,'" Tahira corrected. She placed her fingers firmly on Ariana's arm, stopping her.

Ariana narrowed her eyes at Tahira. Where, exactly, was this going?

"I know it was you who set up Allison," Tahira said.

Ariana didn't move, didn't blink, didn't breathe. She didn't betray one hint of nervousness over the fact that she'd just been very, very snagged.


"Oh, really?" she said.

Tahira laughed. "Like it was just some coincidence that you happened to be in that hallway? I saw you bump into Justina and practically shove her into Allison. You're not as stealthy as you think you are."

Ariana's jaw clenched.

"Besides, I know Justina Cruz," Tahira said, twirling her racket again. "She doesn't have the balls to go up against me and Allison, even if it is for membership in Scarlet Key."

A sizzle of intrigue shot through Ariana. The third society was named Scarlet Key?

"You have no proof," Ariana replied finally, clutching the strap on her tennis bag.

Tahira laughed. "I don't need proof. I don't intend to turn you in. Not for this, anyway."

Something in her tone made Ariana's blood turn to icy slush.

"What does that mean?"

Tahira took a step toward her, so close her breasts grazed Ariana's arm. Ariana flinched at the intimate contact but didn't back away. She couldn't let Tahira see her sweat.

"Here's the deal, Ana," Tahira said. "Stay away from me, stay away from my friends, and I might consider not telling the administration who was responsible for all those thefts at the beginning of the year."

Ariana took an instinctive step back. She couldn't help it. But the moment she did, she realized her mistake. Her action made her look as guilty as she was. And Tahira slowly smiled.


"How did you--"

"Let's just say a little bird told me," Tahira said snootily. "It would be so fun to bring you down. Problem is, we're both up for membership in Stone and Grave, and they kind of frown upon things like turning on a potential sister or brother."

Ariana blinked.

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024