Perfect Mistake (Privilege 3) - Page 49


"I will! See you after dinner!"

Lexa practically spun out of the room, closing the door behind her. When Ariana was sure she was gone, she allowed herself a guilt--free moment of happy dancing in the center of the hardwood floor. Everything was coming together. Today Lexa would ask Conrad to the NoBash, officially freeing up Palmer to be Ariana's date. The girl couldn't expect Palmer to be dateless for the biggest party of the season, especially when she already had someone, right? Tomorrow, Allison would be caught cheating on her chemistry test, and the resulting scandal would get her booted from the running for Stone and Grave. Now all Ariana had to do was secure that NoBash invite for Kaitlynn and all would be right with the world.

Well, that and make a spectacle of herself. But she had an idea--a rather terrifying idea--of how she might be able to accomplish that. She was planning to head into the city later that day to secure the necessary materials. But that was later. For now, she had some handwriting to perfect.



The white tile was so cold Ariana could feel it through the fabric of her short--sleeved blue uniform shirt. She shivered slightly but didn't move. She was leaning back against the wall of the bathroom, which was positioned conveniently across the hallway from the classroom in which Allison was currently taking her chemistry exam. If someone walked in, Ariana wanted to appear casually aloof, but she also wanted to keep her position directly across from the door, so that she could be through it the second the tone sounded. Which was also why she had faked stomach cramps to get out of French class early. It pained her to think that her fellow students might think she had IBS or something, but these were necessary sacrifices.At least Kaitlynn's midnight rampages seemed to be over. Once again, Ariana and her floormates had woken up intact, no random body parts on their bedside tables.

And now Ariana could just focus on the plan. Allison's fake cheat


sheet was pinned between Ariana's hip and the outside of her bag. Everything was in place. This was going to work. No one had to die to ensure that Kaitlynn would get into Stone and Grave. A little scandal would suffice.

The tone sounded. Ariana held her bag firmly against her hip and walked out. Tahira was outside the chem room door, obviously waiting for Allison, which gave Ariana a moment's pause. But Tahira's back was to her for the moment, and besides, she couldn't let a tiny hiccup like this stop her. Mr. Chen, the chemistry teacher, opened the door and stood back to let his students out. A few guys rushed out and jogged down the hallway as if they didn't want to miss a moment of free time in the sun. Then Ariana heard Allison's horse laugh, and she took a few steps forward, gaining momentum. The second Allison stepped through the doorway, Ariana took one giant step and slammed into a poor, unsuspecting sophomore girl who was walking in the other direction. The girl pinballed off Ariana and careened into Allison before hitting the floor herself. Allison dropped two notebooks, her chem text, and a pencil on the ground. Ariana shifted her bag and the cheat sheet fluttered down, coming to rest just to the left of the notebooks. Perfection. Then she quickly moved down the hall to watch the action unfold from afar.

"What the hell?" Tahira said, steadying Allison before she could go over as well.

"Are you all right?" the sophomore's friend asked, helping her up.

The girl looked more humiliated than hurt as she scurried to her feet, her dark eyes avoiding everyone else's. Collateral damage. Sometimes it was necessary. "M'fine," she said, scurrying off.


"I'm not," Allison called after the girl, holding on to her arm. "Thanks a lot. That's gonna bruise."

"Do you need to see the nurse, Miss Rothaus?" Mr. Chen asked, pushing his glasses up on his nose with his forefinger.

"No. I'm all right," Allison replied grouchily, rubbing her arm.

Tahira crouched to pick up Allison's stuff. Ariana saw her do a double take when she picked up the cheat sheet. She moved to hide it, but it was too late. Mr. Chen had noticed it too.

"What's this?" Mr. Chen asked, plucking the index card from Tahira's fingers. His glance flitted over the card. Then he fixed Allison with a stern look. "Miss Rothaus?"

Down the hallway, Ariana hid a smile behind her hand. Mr. Chen was playing his part so spot--on she could have written it for him.

"That's not mine," Allison said, her blond curls trembling.

"It certainly looks like your handwriting," Mr. Chen said.

Allison glanced at Tahira, who shrugged an apology

. Clearly she believed it was Allison's cheat sheet. The small crowd around them grew, sensing impending fodder for gossip.

"I know, but it's not mine," Allison protested. "Honestly, Mr. Chen. I studied my butt off for this test. I didn't need to cheat."

"Nevertheless, the evidence suggests otherwise," Mr. Chen said, fluttering the index card like a taunt. "Come along, Miss Rothaus. I'm afraid we're going to have to have a conversation with the headmaster about this."

Allison's mouth set in a tight white line. "Fine," she said.

Just then Brigit turned the corner and locked eyes with Ariana,


Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024