Perfect Mistake (Privilege 3) - Page 40

"I've taken out a safety--deposit box," Ariana said. Kaitlynn's eyebrows arched with interest. "In it is a letter describing every single thing you and I have been through stating that if anything should happen to me, you're the one who did it. I've sent the key to someone I trust, along with a letter telling that person where the box is and to open it if I turn up dead."

Kaitlynn blinked. She betrayed not one iota of emotion. She simply blinked.

"So you can threaten me all you want, but you don't scare


me," Ariana continued. "If I die, you're getting the chair. Are we clear?"

Kaitlynn started to hum again. She got up, walked into her closet, and rummaged around. Ariana held her breath. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest. What was Kaitlynn doing? Looking for some kind of weapon? Did she have a gun in there or something? Hadn't she heard a word Ariana had just said? Quickly, Ariana glanced around for something with which to defend herself. Her eyes fell on her tennis racket. It was all she had. She was just lunging for it when Kaitlynn emerged with a long, cream--colored envelope.

"You mean this letter?" she asked, tossing it on Ariana's bed.

Ariana's pulse froze in her veins. Both the letter and the picture of Kaitlynn had slipped free of the torn envelope when they'd hit her bedspread. This was not possible.

"How . . . how did you . . . ?"

"I followed you, Ariana," Kaitlynn said flatly. "When I saw you get into that cab instead of scurrying off to class like the responsible little student you are, I knew something was up, so I followed you. After I figured out what you were doing at the bank, I followed you to the salon and lifted your key and ID while you were getting shampooed."

Ariana grabbed her bag from her desk chair and yanked out her wallet. Sure enough, the key and her license were gone. How could she not have noticed it before?

"Then I went back to the bank, waited for that geezer to get off duty, forged Briana Leigh's signature, and emptied the box."


"But didn't they . . . you don't look anything like my picture," Ariana said breathlessly.

"The guy barely even glanced at it. I had the key and the signature. Besides, he was too busy checking out my ass."

She removed Ariana's license from her top dresser drawer and Frisbeed it at Ariana. It fell to the floor at their feet. Ariana could think of nothing to say. Once again, Kaitlynn had won.

"Thanks a lot, Ariana," Kaitlynn continued. "Because of you I have to spend my Saturday afternoon taking the final placement exam I missed. You're really screwing me up around here, you know that?"

No, you're screwing me up and we both know it, Ariana thought.

Kaitlynn took a deep breath and blew out a sigh. "It was a nice try," she said, grabbing up the envelope, along with its former contents. "But I think I'd better burn this now, don't you?"

With a tilt of her head, Kaitlynn turned, walked into the bathroom, and slammed the door behind her. Ariana heard the strike of the match, but didn't wait to smell the smoke. Feeling numb, she grabbed a pillow off her bed, slipped the comforter free, and walked out the door with them. If she stayed in her own room any longer, she knew the sense of helplessness hovering just outside her protective wall would come smashing through and take over. And she could not have that. Could not give up. There was too much at stake. Down the hall she knocked on Lexa and Maria's door. Maria answered, her hair up in a messy bun, her toothbrush sticking out of her mouth. Her cropped black T--shirt exposed one tanned strip of perfectly flat stomach.


"She's on the phone with Conrad," Maria whispered conspiratori--ally, gesturing over her shoulder at Lexa.

Ariana forced a smile. "That's great. Listen, can I sleep in your lounge tonight?"

"Sure," Maria said, opening the door wide. "What's up? Problems with Lily?"

A lump formed in Ariana's throat. How she wished she could tell the truth, confide in her friend, pour it all out to her. But it was all going to have to stay bottled up in her chest, churning and bubbling and threatening to explode in the form of desperate tears.

Why couldn't she get anything right lately? Why did it seem as if Kaitlynn was always one step ahead?

"No. She has some allergy issues and she's been snoring a lot. After a whole week of listening to it, I just want one good nights sleep," Ariana said.

"I hear ya. Lexa snores too," Maria said.

"I do not!" Lexa cried from her bed. She gave Ariana a wave and went back to her conversation.

"Want to hang out? We were going to watch Real Housewives on my laptop till lights--out," Maria offered, going back into the bathroom to rinse her mouth.

Tags: Kate Brian Privilege Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024