Sick Fux - Page 87

Our gazes locked, a battle of wills . . . until I sat down, legs spread, and unzipped my pants. Dolly’s eyes glazed as she watched. Watched as I reached inside my pants and pulled out my cock. The cock that was going to take her before we left this place.

The one I knew she craved just as much as I craved the pussy that was soon to be mine.

Dolly’s gaze narrowed, and she shifted to her knees. Her hands roamed her body, landing on the waistband of her panties. She rolled them down her hips, her blond pussy immediately on show. She sat down and kicked her legs into the air. She mimicked the whores she’d seen outside as she worked the panties slowly over her legs. Reaching into my vest pocket, I pulled out some cash, and as her eyes met mine, I threw the notes at her. Fire sparked in Dolly’s eyes as her panties hooked on the tip of her boot. With a quick flick, the panties flew my way and landed on my chest. I tucked them into my pocket.

And then I choked on a breath as Dolly stood and faced me. Naked, but for her socks and boots. Her wet hair was wild as it haloed her face. Her hands moved to rest on her hips. I drank in the view —tits and stomach and thighs and that blond pussy, all calling my name.

Dolly bit her lip as she crouched down and moved to take off her socks. I brought my cane onto her thigh. Dolly’s eyes snapped to mine. “They stay on.”

Dolly’s expression changed, like she was about to challenge me. My heart beat faster, knowing I would have to insist . . . but her lip hooked into a ghost of a smirk and she stood up. Black-and-white thigh-high socks and black leather ankle boots were all I could see.

Then Dolly began to move. She swayed and swung her hips to the music as she moved to the stairs of the stage. I stroked my cock harder as she began to walk toward me. Her eyes didn’t break from mine as she skirted around the stage, her white skin red in the soft lighting.

She stopped before me, her head tilting as she regarded me on the couch. As her blue eyes dropped to my busy hand. Her lips parted and she sucked in a sharp breath.

Dolly edged closer still. She placed her knees on either side of the couch, straddling me. She didn’t touch me. Instead she swayed over me. Her arms moved either side of my head, gripping the backrest of the couch. Her hips began to grind to the beat, her tits a mere inch from my face. My cheeks heated, my body boiling with the need to grab her by the wrists and slam her down on the couch. To ravage her mouth and slam my dick inside her.

But I stayed still as she sat over my thigh. I released my cock, and she stared at it with hunger. But she resisted, torturing me where I sat as she rolled her back, her tits coming toward my face, her hard nipple scraping past my lips. I groaned as they circled and came back again and again. Then Dolly dropped down, her naked pussy against my clothed thigh. The tip of my cock rested against her stomach as she rocked back and forth. Her cheek brushed past my cheek, and her mouth landed at my ear. I heard her breathing—fast and out of control. It hitched as her clit swelled against my lap.

My hands were fists at my sides. I stared up at Dolly’s face, lost in rapture. Then she looked down, and all her movement stopped. Her eyes flared, and a slow smile pulled on her mouth. Her tongue lapped around her moist lips, then it came. The whispered sentence that broke me.

That brought out the darkness I had fought to keep back . . .

“Rabbit belongs to Dolly now.”

I jumped forward, wrapping my hands around her neck. Dolly cried out as I swung her off my lap and slammed her down onto the couch. Dolly’s hands raked at my arms, her nails clawing at my skin. But I couldn’t feel it. Sitting up, moving my knee to Dolly’s chest to keep her pinned down, I ripped at the buttons of my vest and shirt. I threw them off my body and across the room. My chest was tight with anticipation. I closed my eyes and rolled my head, only to open them and see Dolly fighting for freedom beneath me. I smiled and lowered my head down until my mouth was at her ear. “There’s no getting away from me, little Dolly,” I whispered. Dolly thrashed under me. Her hands slapped onto my back, and I hissed with pleasure as I felt her nails slice into my skin. She clawed like a wildcat, but I kept her pinned down. I moved my body as I felt her draw blood. Shifted until my cock was braced between her legs. Her pussy was drenched as I held her down. As she fought to be free . . . as she tried to throw me off.

Tags: Tillie Cole Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024