Gage (Men of Honor 1) - Page 18

I left the restaurant with my hand on my wife’s ass and didn’t look back after saying goodbye to the table and making sure ma had a ride home. I arranged for my wife’s car to be dropped off at home so she could ride with me. She was looking more sure of herself as we walked out together I saw, which at the end of the day is pretty much all I wanted.

I was barely behind the wheel when I got a call from ma who couldn’t stop laughing. I didn’t hear a word she said because she was laughing too hard to talk but the gist was pretty much that Donna hadn’t stood a chance and how over protective I am.

“What do you want to do with the rest of your day baby?” I asked Holly after I hung up.

“You’re not going back to the office?”

“Nope, I have the whole afternoon with my favorite girl, so what’s it gonna be?”

She had a million things she wanted to do, but it was her sheer joy at having me with her for the rest of the day that warmed my heart. After giving me a million and one ideas of what she wanted to do, her excitement like a kid in a toy store, she finally wound down and I knew what she was going to say next.

“I don’t know, you choose.”

“Nope, it’s your day.” Now I don’t want you to think that my wife is a brainless simpleton who always caters to her husband. Okay that last part is true, but not the first. She just happens to be one of those women who loves having her man make the calls. Which as I said is perfect for me.

“Let’s go to the movies.”

“Movies it is.” See, I’d rather take her home and spread her out on the living room floor, but she wants to go to the movies, so we’re going to the movies.


* * *

I didn’t bring up the twit, or how she ended up joining them for lunch, she did. Halfway through the movie when she was done stuffing her face with popcorn she finally broke down and told me what was on her mind.

“I don’t know how she even knew Lisa and I were friends. You don’t think she’s stalking me do you?” See, my girl is in no way dumb. Just because she’s quiet and shy doesn’t mean shit.

“Don’t worry about it baby, just don’t hang out with her if you don’t want to.” I worded it like that because I already knew the answer. She set her little face and turned back to the screen.

“I’ll call Lisa when we get back, I don’t think she knew about her. She was even surprised that we knew each other, or rather that we’d met before. Donna pretended it was a coincidence but…”

She scrunched up her face like she was giving it serious thought. “And then mom showed up out of the blue. I don’t think she likes Donna.” That one made her giggle. She’s a territorial little thing.

“But she’s really pretty though, don’t you think?” Like I don’t see you watching me out the side of your damn eye.

“If you like plastic blow up dolls.” She snorted and offered me one of her M&Ms. I guess I passed the test.

“Gage….” I was trying to show some interest in the mind numbing shit that was going on-on the screen.

“What is it baby?”

“Let’s go home.” The way she leaned over and whispered in my ear I knew what she was after.

“You sure you don’t want to finish your movie baby?”

“Uh-uh!” She grabbed my hand and dragged me up from the chair, pulling me along behind her.

Once in the car it was like someone had turned on a switch. “I like the way you ignored her even when she tried her best to get you to notice her.” I took my eyes off the road long enough to look at her. Her voice had sounded strange just then.

She was damn near out of breath and the way she hugged the edge of her seat I thought she had to go to the bathroom; until she reached for my hand and placed it in her lap right over her pussy. Well now!

“Gage?” That hitch in her voice made my cock jump behind my zipper.

“Tell me baby!” I teased my fingers over her heat through her dress as I picked up speed. It’s not every day my baby plays the aggressor, but I know when she does that I’m in for one heck of a ride.

“I want you!”

“I know we’re almost there.” I hit the remote for the garage halfway down the street from home and pulled in going forty, bypassing her car that was already sitting out on the driveway. I hit the close button and jumped out of the car heading around the other side to get her.

Tags: Jordan Silver Men of Honor Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024