Kiss the Stars (Falling Stars 1) - Page 46

Between us.

Like I’d become partner to it.

Something brilliant. Feeling created out of nothing.

Enticed from the depths.

Pulled from memories and mishaps and miseries.

None here a stranger to them.

“Not sure,” Lyrik mumbled.

“Chorus needs a contrast,” I cut in. “She better be giving you something good if you’re going to put yourself through that,” I continued, letting a smirk ride free. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut, but I decided it wasn’t time to give a fuck. They wanted me here and I was here. Was gonna offer my opinion.

Lyrik’s attention swung my way. A grin pulled to the corner of the guy’s mouth before he was grabbing the notebook and tossing it my way.

“Have a go at it then, brother.”

I caught it against my chest with my left hand, snatching the pencil that came sailing at me with my right, somehow managing to keep hold of my sticks in the process.

I gave a tight nod, chewing at my bottom lip.



Catching the same vibe that Lyrik had been feeling when he’d penned these lyrics.

Resurrected from a reservoir that was an age old.

I tucked my sticks under my thigh, balanced the notebook on my forearm, pencil scratching across the page as I began to jot a twist in the words.

Cause all you do is break me.

Gut me.

Bleed me.

I’m cursed. Nothing left to give.

Spin my mind when you touch me.

Fill me.

Feed me.

I’m redeemed. All the reason left to live.

I tossed it back, and Lyrik glanced over it, smiling slow. “Ah, Leif here is a romantic.”

Denial blew from my mouth on a pulse of air. “Hardly.”

“Not to worry, man. I’m a firm believer you can’t be a good songwriter unless you’ve fallen in love and then suffered its end.”

My chest tightened. Painfully. In rejection. “They’re just fuckin’ words, man. Nothing more.”

Too bad words were the power of meaning.* * *“Killed it, Leif. Knew you were going to fit in just fine.” Ash clapped me on the shoulder as I wiped the sweat on my forehead with a hand towel. Skin drenched.

“Think I might be able to hack it.” I grinned, body still on edge from the wild beat of adrenaline pulsing through my veins.

Ash slung his arm around my neck. “Now don’t tell Zee I said this, but you nailed it. You’re a rager. Full on beast. You should have seen the sweat flying off of you. Going to have to have someone come in here to mop up the mess. Epic. Seriously, you’re playing with a country band? Don’t fit, man. That shit’s just weak,” he razzed.

I shrugged him off with a slight chuckle. “Excuse me?”

“Nothing but wasted talent. Squandered. It’s a damn travesty.”

I tossed the towel into the bin. “You even listen to us?”

“Nah. Like I said . . . country.”

I laughed. “You just keep telling yourself that. I bet you fall asleep listening to Carolina George.”

He gasped. “Blasphemy.”

Austin chuckled as he tossed his things into a bag. “Uh . . . Ash is the one who went nuts when Zee suggested we get in touch with you. Dude can lie through his teeth, but I’d lay down bets that if you looked up his most listened-to songs, Carolina George would be sitting at the top.”

Ash lifted his hands in defense. “Hey . . . I just heard the word. Rumor spreads fast in these parts. Every time Carolina George comes into town, people lose their ever-lovin’ minds. You’d think it was Sunder playing or something. Of course, that Emily girl might have a little something to do with it. She is somethin’.”

I laughed under my breath. “That she is. Pretty sure she is the draw. She’s an amazing girl.”

Talented and gorgeous and sweet.

Truth was, the whole band was crazy talented.

“She deserves every bit of the limelight that is coming her way,” I said. “All of them. They have worked their asses off to get where they are. I jumped on the train after they’d already paid the price. After they’d made every sacrifice. Can’t take any of the credit, but what I can do is make sure they get where they’re supposed to be.”

Guilt pulsed. Just hoped I didn’t fuck up before I helped to get them there.

Ash’s smile turned soft. “Get it, Leif. They’re your people. I’m just messing with you. Country might not be my thing, but there is no missing the fact Carolina George is stupid good. Great things are coming their way. After listening to you today? Can’t wait to witness that for you.”

More of that guilt.

This time suffocating.

“Thanks,” I managed to mutter. Turning away before it ate me alive, I started to pack my shit because it was clear I needed to get the hell out of there.

I’d allowed myself to get too close to Rhys, Richard, and Emily. Something I’d promised myself I would never do. Refused to make that mistake again.

Tags: A.L. Jackson Falling Stars Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024