Kiss the Stars (Falling Stars 1) - Page 42

He moved toward me, watchfully, carefully, his dark eyes flaring. He didn’t hesitate. He pulled me in for a tight hug, his breaths shallow, his muscles twitching with the residual of adrenaline. “It’s okay. It’s okay. Everyone is safe,” he muttered again, clearly talking himself down from the ledge.


He pulled back, held me by the outsides of the shoulders. “I think we’re all a little paranoid.”

My nod was tight.

Was it paranoia if you were fighting for your life?

But why . . . why would anyone want to take it? Why would that sick, twisted bastard in that video track me down? What did he want?

Apprehension slithered beneath the surface of my skin. Something sticky and ugly that crawled my flesh in a slow-slide of dread.

Lyrik finally released me and stepped back. He stared at me for a long minute. “I won’t let anyone get to you, Mia. Promise you.”

“I know that.” My acknowledgement was shaky at best.

With a clipped nod, he started back along the length of the huge pool, his eyes on his wife who was still staring down at the disturbance going down in the middle of their yard.

My attention slowly drifted to the right. Not lazily. But like maybe I was terrified to look that way.

It didn’t matter.

I was hinged.


Compelled to look where Leif was standing like a beast in the entryway of the gate, both arms stretched across the width and his fingers curled into the bricks.

Like he was holding himself back.

From what, I wasn’t sure.

His wide chest heaved.

His gorgeous body coiled with aggression. At the ready to pounce.

Muscled arms rippling with strength, the few distinct tattoos on his arms twitching and jerking beneath his skin that was stretched taut.

Those brown-sugared eyes had hardened to stone. Carved of a rocky cliff that threatened to come crashing down.

The barest glow of the approaching day broke at the horizon, a murky gray that filled the sky with a shock of hope.

Staring at him, that was what I felt.

Obscene, obliterating hope.

Foolish girl.

But I trembled with it. Shivered with the impact as I remained there barely able to stand under the weight of his gaze.

“You should go back inside,” he grated, his words panted with the exertion he’d just expelled.

I clutched tighter to the neckline of my pajamas’ shirt. “Thank you,” I managed to whisper.

“There is nothing to thank me for.”

“I disagree. You are the one who just went running out into the night.”


No care as to what he might be coming up against.

“I’ve done nothing but bring trouble to your door.”

I wanted to fight him on it, but I was feeling too relieved to do anything but give him a tight nod, turn around, and head back through the door.

I guessed maybe it was an invitation. I didn’t know. The only thing I was sure of was the way my heart ratcheted into a frenzy when I heard the gate swing shut and latch close before his heavy footsteps began to follow.

I felt it like a thunder in my soul, an erratic pounding that stampeded out of control.

Just as I pulled the door open, he was there, right behind me, holding it so I could enter. There was no shunning the weight of his eyes on me as I headed back through the large playroom, not sure whether to slow and face him or run away as fast as I could.

The light was muted yet dancing with the vow of a new day.

The alarm had long since been silenced.

The quiet stillness it left behind felt forged.


My footsteps were hushed. Trepid. Slowing with each step. Stopping at the head of the hall, I swiveled to look behind me.

He stood at the doorway.


An ominous warrior.

The longer pieces of his hair tossed into his striking face. Concealing him like a shroud.

“Did you . . . see anything? Anyone? Or was this truly a false alarm?”

Leif grimaced. “I don’t fuckin’ know, Mia. I . . .” Helplessness seeped into his harsh tone. “When I came out of the guesthouse when I first heard the alarm, I thought . . . I thought I saw something at the far end of the yard. A shadow. A shape. Not sure because it all happened so fast. I went after it, but by the time I made it over the wall, there was nothing but air.”

I gulped, trying to tame the terror I could feel tremoring through my being. Creeping deeper into my spirit.

Leif took a lurching step forward. “God damn it.” His head dropped as he cursed toward the ground. “They might have been coming for me, Mia.”

He lifted his gaze, meeting my eye, a torment so stark in the depths that it nearly knocked me back into the wall.

“Chances are, this bullshit has everything to do with me.” Self-loathing oozed out with his words. “I won’t pretend like I have the first clue what is going down in your life, Mia. What you’re up against. The only thing you need to know is it doesn’t matter if they’re coming for me or for you. If anyone thinks about getting close to you? To your kids? Pray for them because I promise you, that will not end in their favor.”

Tags: A.L. Jackson Falling Stars Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024