Warrior Fae Trapped (Warrior Fae 1) - Page 79

He let his head fall to the side until his cheek rested against her forehead.

She’d come back for him. He’d never been so glad to see anyone in all his life. The kicker was that he’d given her no reason for loyalty. A guy couldn’t yell at someone constantly, poke fun at her, almost belittle her, and expect her to confront death for him. Yet she had.

Then she’d helped him into the house, tucked him into bed, and fixed him up.

Warmth glowed in his chest. He didn’t deserve it, but he’d take it.

He breathed in deeply, savoring her scent, stronger now than he could remember. Tantalizing.

Remembering the look of fierce determination on her face as she’d ushered him into the SUV last night, he smiled and rubbed her smooth arm. The force of her magic had taken his breath away. When he’d seen that flickering light in the sky, raining down pain on Vlad and his minion, Devon had thought he was hallucinating. But there was no denying the sound of their skin sizzling, or the way they’d hissed and shrunk away. She’d magically created enough sunlight to affect an elder. It was…

He shook his head against the pillow and trailed his fingertips across her jaw.

Incredible. There was no other word to describe it. She’d saved their lives.

She sighed softly and shifted with a feminine mew, pressing more firmly to his side. Her leg swung up, her soft thigh covering his so she could hook her calf and foot between his legs. She slid her hand up his stomach to his chest, rubbing his pec before continuing the journey north. She opened her eyes for a moment, connecting with his before closing them again with a sleepy smile. She let her hand flatten on the base of his jaw and angled her lips up to his. Her eyes fluttered.

Without thinking, he dipped his lips to hers, connecting softly. His stomach filled with surprising lightness, rolling and twisting and exploding into a swarm of butterflies. He opened his mouth, feeling her lips respond. He darted his tongue in, sampling. He was instantly rewarded with a complex taste more pleasing than her smell. Sweetness curled around his senses, transfixing him.

He applied more pressure, his tongue now indulgent and insistent. Suddenly, he needed her. He couldn’t explain it, or even understand it, but a part of him needed to merge his body with hers. It was as if he was half finished, and only she could round him out.

But he wasn’t ready to lose this longing for her. This feeling was deep and primal. These urges and desires burrowed down to his roots, and he liked the feel of them. He liked the depth. He liked the…completeness. He wasn’t ready to sex that away.

He backed off, smiling when she clung to him. He eased her back down, wincing as he did so. Lord, his body hurt. That was another reason this was a bad idea. She’d probably think he sucked in bed because he could barely move.

As he finished getting comfortable, she shifted as well, staying entwined with him but dropping her head to his chest. She took a deep, satisfied breath. He matched it as he slid his arm around her, hugging her close. He let her proximity and comfort soak into him as he drifted back to sleep.

One thing was infinitely clear: she was his. She belonged in his pack. He would not let any harm come to her. He’d die before that vamp took her.Chapter Thirty-TwoThe breakfast potatoes were starting to turn golden brown when Charity caught movement at the edge of the kitchen. Devon lumbered in, nowhere near his usual graceful self. With a wince, he lowered himself into a chair.

“How do you feel?” she asked, glancing at his defined chest. The vivid memory of their sleepy kiss rolled around her brain. It had felt sinfully good. Almost too good. She remembered running her hand up his body, feeling a strange sort of buzz, not to mention his hardness on her thigh as she snuggled closer.

Heat pulsed low, this time not her magic.

She cleared her throat. There was no place in her life, or his, for that sort of nonsense.

“Sore, but good.” He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

“I can’t believe how fast you heal.”

He eyed the steaming pans on the stove. “Thanks again. For coming back for me.”

“What was I supposed to do, leave you with those things? They were fast!”

Devon snorted. “Understatement. Did you make coffee?”

“Don’t drink it. Didn’t think to make it.”

Devon groaned and dropped his head onto his forearms. “That sucks.”

Charity leaned across the counter and slid open a window so the steam could get out. When she turned back to her cooking, Devon said, “We need to talk about your class tonight.”

She’d suspected this conversation was coming. Normally, she’d agree that only a fool would go to a late class after the events of the previous night. Unfortunately, she had a very important test tonight, and it was too late to make other plans. She couldn’t afford to lose her scholarship. Some things were worth the risk, although she doubted Devon would agree.

Tags: K.F. Breene Warrior Fae Vampires
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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