Warrior Fae Princess (Warrior Fae 2) - Page 28

A few poignant looks and his wolves fell in step, flanking him and Charity. Steve and Cole took the back, ready to change at a moment’s notice. They had a good unit. A strong unit.

But as they got closer to the waiting demons, Devon’s heart started to pound. He didn’t know squat about demons, but he knew these creatures were much more powerful than the ones in the parking lot. Their fire flared brighter, they were larger in stature, and their movements were more fluid and natural.

“You sure you got this?” Devon asked, Charity’s weight in his arms like a warning. Without shifting, he couldn’t protect her from those things. Hell, he couldn’t even fight them in human form with her cradled in his arms. Neither could he put her down. She could barely hold her head up, let alone hurry through a portal crossing. He’d need his pack to carry them through.

“One more shifter,” Reagan said without hesitation, her head high and her sword out. “The yeti. He’s an ornery bastard. He’s perfect for the job.”

Cole grunted, but again he didn’t protest. The bag he carried hit the ground. A roar rumbled through the field a moment later.

“Jesus, man, do you need to wake the neighbors?” Reagan murmured, jogging at the enemy now.

Another thought struck Devon. “Is she going to make the crossing like this?”

“I’m okay,” Charity said, her head lolling on Devon’s shoulder. “Anyone have a Red Bull?”

“She’s a fighter,” Dillon said, worry tracing his words. “She’ll make it.”

“She will,” Andy said, shouldering most of the luggage. “She’ll make it.”

“Seriously, you guys, I’m fine. Just tired.” One of Charity’s arms slid off Devon’s shoulder. “Slippery when wet.” She sighed and dragged it back up.

“She just needs a nap,” Andy said. “Like earlier. She got a nap and was ready for another battle.”

She hadn’t been ready—she’d had no choice. Hence the frightening new development of her hallucinations.

“You can sleep on the other side,” Reagan said, and a pulse of power rocked through Devon’s middle.

He staggered, not expecting it, although he’d felt her power before. She was going in hot, using everything she had.

“You’re going to make it, love,” Devon said in Charity’s ear, increasing his pace to match Reagan’s. “No one is going to stop you. Not me, not Roger, and certainly not some meddling vampire. We’ll find your people, get you well, then find your mom.”

Her arms squeezed a little tighter. “I love you.”

“Here we go.” Reagan slashed with her sword, barely slowing to do so. Fire crawled through the air to either side of her sword strike, burning away an invisible wall. She flung her left hand out and something like dry ice rolled across the ground, fizzling and sparking as it did so. “As always, you didn’t see any of this.”

“Any of what?” Charity asked, straining to lift her head and look.

“The fireworks, babe,” Steve said from behind them, laughter trailing the words. “Reagan has the best fireworks. I’m good to change, boss, if you need me.” The thrill of battle rang in his voice. “I don’t need clothes on the journey. I’m more impressive without.”

“Your ego is a wonder,” Andy said, “but you’re carrying my bag. I want clothes. Keep hold of that thing.”

Devon cocooned himself and Charity within his pack as they kept pace with Reagan. “Hold, Steve. Stay on two feet for now.”

As the demons watched their approach, they spread out into three short horizontal lines.

“Organized,” Reagan said, as though to herself.

“Someone’s watching us,” Charity murmured, before coughing. She pointed to the left. “I feel someone watching us.”

“I agree with her.” Reagan glanced in the direction of Charity’s finger, even though she couldn’t possibly have seen it.

Devon scanned the tree line as they neared the demons, the creatures not even fidgeting with anticipation.

“Great control,” Reagan said. “What’s to the left?”

Shadows loomed within the trees, thick and syrupy. He looked for an odd shape. Movement in the branches caused by something other than wind. Nothing stuck out. But then, if it were a vampire, nothing would. They could give a stone a run for its money on patience and stillness. He said as much.

Reagan just grunted.

“Shifters, fan out,” she said a moment later. “Hit them from the sides and work in behind them. I’ll take the middle. Man, I wish Penny were here. I’d make her go in first.”

Yasmine slammed into the first demon, ripping and tearing through it, its blood spattering her white coat. Reagan hit dead center, as promised, her sword flashing faster than Devon’s eye could track. She sliced through one’s middle before moving on to the next, a wound that shouldn’t have had much effect. Yet the demon howled, garbling words that Devon couldn’t understand as it shook and spasmed, falling to the ground.

Rather than launch into another demon, Yasmine fell back to make sure his flank was covered. Macy, to her other side, took up the pursuit immediately, tearing into the one Yasmine would’ve gone for. The two women often had their problems, but in battle, they were a strong unit.

Tags: K.F. Breene Warrior Fae Vampires
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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