It's Never Easy - Boudreaux Universe - Page 4

“Is that even a question?” Her brow arches as she regards me, and I can’t help but laugh as I pour us both a glass of the rich merlot, one that I’d been saving for a special occasion, and this is definitely a cause for celebration. “So, tell me about this amazing opportunity that my best friend is about to leap into?”

“I don’t have the job yet, but it would be an amazing opportunity.” I smile when I glance at Phoebe. “Are you really not coming with me?”

“I would love to, but I have one more month on my internship, and then I’ll be right there with you.” She bounds from the soft cushions and races to me, clinking our glasses. “You’re going to find happiness, Nea. I just know it.” Her words drag emotion from the back of my mind, and it settles in my throat. Thick and unyielding. I swallow the lump threatening to choke me and nod.

“It’s just a job for now, and that’s what I’m going to focus on. Apparently, the owner is one of the most well-known art critics, but nobody has ever seen him. He lives alone, doesn’t go to any media events, remains a stranger to the media, yet he spends his days in one of the most vibrant cities in the world.” I shrug, thinking about what he looks like and why he’s such a recluse. “Probably one of those depressed artists who didn’t make it, and now he hates the world because he’s stuck with a gallery or some shit.” Rolling my eyes, I glance at Phee. She’s giggling and watching me with one eyebrow raised. “What?”

“I’m sure you could find ways of curing his depression.” She winks playfully.

“No, this is my career. Stop bringing sex into it.” I roll my eyes, but I have to laugh as well. Phee is one of those girls who takes chances, who enjoys risks, and I’ve always been one to overthink situations. Sometimes, I wish I were as carefree as she is. “And besides, I don’t even know what he looks like,” I tease. I haven’t found any information online, which, in a way, I wish I had.

“You know, it’s been a while. You’d be less of a bitch if you get laid.” With another clink to my now-empty glass, my best friend laughs.

“I’m not a bitch. I just . . . well . . . men are assholes. They don’t stick around for very long, so what’s the point of falling in love?” I mimic her sugary-sweet tone.

“Nea, honey, don’t let that asshole you were dating put you off finding a good man. They are out there. Somewhere. Not all men are like your father, either.”

“Uh-huh, sure they aren’t. Can we drink wine and not talk about men?”

She nods, grabbing the bottle and topping up our glasses. Today was one of those days that took its toll. I’m tired, being on my feet from early morning to late evening, and even though I should be sleeping, my mind is racing a million miles a minute.

“So, what are you supposed to do if this guy is a mean boss? I mean, if he’s as bad as you say, surely he’s not going to be nice to you just because you work for him?”

Shrugging, I take a long gulp of the fruity red wine, then lift my gaze to Phee. “I’m supposed to go in there and convince him to hire me. I think he’s probably just not very trusting of people. From what I read about him, the property is meant to be exquisite, and I don’t see it as being overly difficult to make people visit. Also, he inherited the plantation house from his father—”

“He inherited it?”

I nod.

“Then perhaps he’ll be happy when it does well. I mean, maybe he’s just an asshole when he does reviews. Who knows?”

“Maybe there’s another story that we don’t know about. I mean, everyone has their secrets.” I’m almost certain there’s heartbreak in this man’s life. Knowing he inherited the gallery from his father is an indication that his folks may no longer be around. And I know how much that can hurt. It’s not something you get over after a few months or even years. It’s a lifetime of sorrow that only dulls, but it’s still present.

“Perhaps. If I know anything, Nea, you’ll get under his skin, and he won’t be able to refuse you. You’ll get the job, and you may even make him learn how to be nice.” Phee winks playfully as she sips her wine.

She’s right. If I land this, I’ll have an amazing job. I’ll be living in one of my favorite cities in the world, and I’ll gain experience so one day I can open my own gallery.

“I’ll drink to that.”Chapter 2

Tags: Dani Rene Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024