Tempt The Playboy (Tempt 2) - Page 43

“Oh, Noah.” She finally speaks out. “If we weren’t just friends, I would have gotten down on my knees.” She shrugs her shoulders. “Have a great night, friend.” And she gets into her car and drives away, leaving me in the middle of the street, cursing out. Noah – 0, Kaleigh – 1.

I make it home with my cock still up and begging for relief. The cold shower and jacking him off did nothing for him. I crawl into bed, the smell of goat still lingering. My phone bings with a message. I notice it’s a picture from Kaleigh.

This was on the yoga page. Thought you would like it for your screensaver ;)

The picture is of me on my knees with a goat’s face up my ass. I zoom it in and see Kaleigh giggling behind me. You don’t have to zoom in to see my ass cheek clenching.

Thanks for this, but I think I’ll stick to Austin’s swollen balls.

Oh, that’s a good one.

I stare at my phone, wondering how to play this. I’m supposed to be friends with this girl. Yet all I want to say is get your ass over here now. Just the thought has my cock stirring into action. Lifting the cover, I say out loud, “Simmer down. I just took care of you.” I shake my head. I’m going crazy. This chick has me talking to my dick and the worst part is I’m expecting it to talk back to me.

I finally decide to write back.


That’s what a friend would do, right? I turn off the light and end up tossing and turning most of the night. I drag my ass the next day. Gone is the quirky free loving guy. In his place is a grouchy, unused cock. When the hot new red-haired receptionist smiles at me the only thing that happens is a grunt. A fucking grunt.

“Whoa, who pissed in your corn flakes?” Harvey asks from behind me. He had gotten off the other elevator.

“I’m just cranky.” I run my hand through my hair.

“You sound like an old married man. You’re single, with no ties at all. You should be standing up shouting ‘I’m the king of the world.’” He smiles, continuing, “This morning I woke up with the biggest case of blue balls. I haven’t had sex this whole month.”

I stand here gawking at him. “The whole month? That’s like thirty days, sometimes thirty-one.”

“Yup, the most action my dick has gotten this month was my daughter kneeing me in the balls.” He shakes his head. “The baby is teething and keeping us up all night. If I’m honest, I’m just so tired that my dick probably wouldn’t even get up.”

My hand goes over my mouth. “Thirty days? Do you?” I motion with my hand the jerking off motion.

“Thirty days, if not more. Who the fuck is counting?”

“Are you sure it can still work?” I point at his crotch as we stand in front of his office.

“It works just fine.” He laughs, taking a sip of his coffee. “Now stop being a cranky bastard and go get some pussy, for all our sakes.” He turns to walk into his office.

I go into my office, sitting at my desk, staring into the sky when my phone beeps.

Are you sore this morning?

The text from Kaleigh has me smiling. Grump is gone with five words.

If only you knew. I answer back while I cup my cock.

It’s probably because you kept tensing up with the goats.

Goats have nothing to do with this pain.

Bhahahah really??? So what ails you?

I’m seriously addicted to this woman and I can’t get her out of my mind.

Noah!! she answers back right away

What? I reply back.

We are supposed to be friends.

Friends can’t discuss other friends’ love lives?

Oh, she replies. I thought.

You thought I was talking about you? That I was talking about us?


Is all she says before there is a knock on my door. Looking up, I see it’s Norma. “We have all the paperwork drawn up for Sal’s newest venture.” She comes in, placing the file on my desk. “The owners are leaving at four p.m. this afternoon for vacation and would like this settled before then.”

I place my phone down. “Then let’s buckle down and get this contract in order,” I say, taking off my jacket and rolling up my sleeves. “It’s go time.”

I don’t know how long I’m at it, but when the phone rings and buzzes near my hand my head snaps up. I see Austin’s dick greet me. I laugh to myself each time. It’s still funny.

“Yeah,” I say, putting the phone to my ear and circling something that needs to be changed.

“I need you to come and bring me to the impound lot!” Austin yells, but I can barely hear him. Some music is playing in the background. “Shut the fuck up!” he yells.

Tags: Natasha Madison Tempt Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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