Before You - Page 64

She’d only have to walk over to the TV, lift the VHS tape off the shelf underneath it, and insert the movie into the VCR once the previous movie was out. But instead, she put her hands on Andrew’s face and pulled him in for a long, deep kiss.

His fingers were just starting to tug at her waist when the phone rang.

Andrew and Honey had a rule that no matter what time a call came in, they always answered it just in case it was the hospital. So, Andrew reluctantly pulled his mouth off of Honey and went into the kitchen where the phone was located.

“Hello?” Honey heard him say into the receiver.

She watched her husband’s face as he listened to whoever was speaking, and after a few seconds, he said, “Hi, Stephanie. It’s no problem. We’re not busy right now.”

With her eyes locked on Andrew, Honey tried to think of all the women she knew named Stephanie, and it only made sense for one of them to be on the phone.

Our attorney? Honey mouthed.

When Andrew nodded, she rushed off the floor and hurried into the kitchen, standing next to him while he held the phone away from his ear so the both of them could hear.

“I don’t mean to bother you on the weekend,” Stephanie said, “but I have some exciting news that I think will excuse my interruption, and I really want to give it to you right away.”

Honey’s hand went over her mouth, holding in the nerves that were now exploding in her stomach.

“Honey’s here,” Andrew said into the phone, “and we’re ready to hear whatever it is you have to say.”

Honey swore, she had to wait several minutes before the attorney spoke again.

But when she did, she said, “I’ve found you a baby to adopt.”

She stared at her husband in disbelief. They had only met with Stephanie a few months ago, a recommendation from one of the other doctors at the hospital who had heard of her through a sibling. Since her office was in New York, they had taken the day off from work and driven the six hours south to see her.

Stephanie had warned the couple it could take months, possibly up to two years, before she found them a child. She wanted them to set realistic expectations, so when Honey and Andrew left that meeting, they had a lengthy timeline in mind.

Never had they imagined it would happen this soon.

“The information I can tell you so far is that the mother lives in New Hampshire. She’s seventeen years old, approximately eighteen weeks along. I’ve spoken to her and the father multiple times, and they’re both in agreement to give up their parental rights.”

Andrew reached for Honey’s hand, and she squeezed back.

“I know there are questions I should be asking you,” he said to Stephanie, “but I didn’t expect you to call, and I don’t have anything prepared.”

“I understand,” she replied. “News like this can be extremely overwhelming, and it will continue to be so throughout the adoption process. This is the most emotional thing you’ll ever experience in your life.”

Honey couldn’t stop the tears. She didn’t even try. The hope she was feeling in her heart was consuming her in a way where she felt like she could finally breathe.

Andrew had promised her a child. He’d never stopped believing.

And now, it was coming true.

“We’re ready for it,” Honey responded, her voice soft but clear.

“Would you be available to come in next week?” Stephanie asked. “We’ll need to start the paperwork as soon as possible.”

Andrew checked the calendar Honey kept in the kitchen, which listed both of their work schedules and all of the events they had to attend for the hospital.

He pointed to a date, and when Honey nodded, he said, “How’s Thursday?”

“That works.”

They agreed on a time, and once they hung up, Andrew’s hands were on his wife’s cheeks, tilting them up to look at him.

“We’re getting a baby,” she said, the joy spreading over her face.

Honey clutched his chest, consumed by the most intense love for him and the thought of this baby they were going to raise together.

“This is it,” he said. “I can feel it.”

All Honey could do was nod.

Because in her gut, she felt the same thing.

Tags: Marni Mann Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024