Miller's Time (Southern Charmers 2) - Page 22

She doesn’t look my way, her eyes widening and her mouth splitting into a grin when she sees Pierce. “What a surprise to see you here. Am I interrupting?”

“I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d offer to help out.”

“That’s why my front porch is a wreck,” she jokes lightheartedly.

This time I can’t stop the throaty growl, knowing she walked across nothing but the studs. “You should have come around back.”

Her face swings to me, her eyes still bright. “I learned how to walk a balance beam in gymnastics.”

Pierce gives a quick laugh. “I’ll grab the plywood and cover the frame. Meet you out front.” He shoots me a knowing look when he passes behind her.

“Surprise my ass,” I say when he’s out of earshot.

“Excuse me?”

“You’ve been lurking in the other room.”

“How did you know? I was silent.”

“I knew.”

“That’s impossible. I’m an expert at sneaking around. Ask my brothers.”

“Your brothers don’t know you in the way I do.”

Her face blushes, and she glances back through the house. “Do you think he knew I was listening?”

“No. Again, he doesn’t know you like I do. Now if it was Darby tip-toeing in, he’d know in a heartbeat.”

She looks back, and her expression softens. “I didn’t intend to eavesdrop, but when I heard him talking, it seemed rude to interrupt. When he mentioned me, I figured it was safe.”

“You didn’t want to hear him ask about you? You may have been very surprised at the answer.”

“No, I didn’t want to hear about how you’ve lost your touch. There’s no telling what would come out of your mouth when it comes to your experience with women.” She chews on her bottom lip, shifting her eyes to the side.

Her admission stirs something inside of me, the vulnerability in her statement obvious.

“Princess, come here.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Either you come here or I come to you.”

“This is close enough, Miller.”

“Your choice.” I close in on her, linking an arm around her waist and tugging her to me.

“What are you doing? Let me go. Your brother will see.”

“Pierce already sees something going on here.”

“Nothing is going on here.”

“Keep blocking, baby, because it makes the reward a lot more fun.”

“I’m not a reward.” She pushes against me.

“I disagree.”

She stops squirming.

“Baby, Pierce is having a shitty time, and if it helps him to bust my ass, I’ll give him that.”

“You were sweet with him,” she whispers, her hands flattening on my chest.

“Not sure about sweet, but I followed advice from a smart woman.”

A shy smile forms on her lips. “I’m sure that was hard for you.”

“Not at all. Besides, I didn’t lie about not getting on Darby’s bad side. Have you ever had her truffles?”

Her head falls back, her laughter filling the air. My cock stirs as her chest jiggles against mine. The sound of her amusement surrounds us, and another glimpse of the woman I met in Chicago returns.

My brain kicks in, making a snap decision, and I strengthen my hold, sliding a hand to her scalp to tilt her face. Her laughter fades when her eyes lock with mine. “It’s fucking great to see this again. I missed it.”

Understanding and panic wash over her features, but before she can protest, I crash my mouth over hers. She goes stone still, tensing until my tongue slides along the seam of her lips. Her breath hitches, and her hand grasps my shirt as she opens up to allow me access. The instant my tongue curls around hers, heat builds inside my chest with the familiarity of having her in my arms.

I lace my fingers in her hair, gently caressing her scalp and angling her head to deepen the kiss. She whimpers down my throat, the small vibration shooting directly to my dick.

My body comes alive, fully aware of who this woman is and how she affects me. There’s no more fighting this.

She holds on tight, letting me explore and taste every inch of her mouth. Every cylinder in my brain is firing off for me to pick her up and wrap her around me. Make her remember exactly what it’s like between us.

Everything around us fades away, and it’s only the two of us, the connection growing deeper with each swipe of my tongue. She has no choice but to give in, pressing her body close.

I don’t stop until my lungs burn for oxygen and she’s trembling. My assault slows, and I barely pull away, skimming my lips across hers. She’s panting softly, her hands shaking, still clutching to me. Her eyes flutter open, glowing a bright green.

Just like the first time and so many more that weekend.


“Don’t. Whatever you’re about to say, throw it out of your mind. I woke up this morning and made a decision. You’ve convinced yourself what we had wasn’t real, and it’s time I prove you wrong. This time we’re doing it my way. Starting tomorrow. I’ll be here at three.”

Tags: Ahren Sanders Southern Charmers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024