Justin's Bride - Page 68

"I don't need defending," Megan said, pushing him out of her way. She moved closer to her sister. "It was just a kiss. So what? I haven't done anything wrong."

"Forgive me if I can't share your sense of humor. I saw what happened here. How could you? With him, of all people."

The contempt in her tone made him curl his hands into fists, but he didn't move. No matter what he thought of Colleen, she was still a woman, and his mother had raised him to respect that. Even when he didn't want to.

Megan shook with fury. "Leave him out of this. It's not his fight. It's between you and me. Yes, we were kissing. Do

Justin's Bride 163

you know why, my pure and holy sister? I wanted to. Me. " She pointed at her chest. "I decided to kiss him. And if I want to do it again, I will. You can't stop me."

Colleen stared at her, then slowly shook her head. "I pity you, Megan. I've long suspected your unmarried state preyed on your mind, but I didn't know it had gone so far. It must be difficult to live with the knowledge that you've never been wanted by a man. You're not terribly unattractive. Perhaps it was your independence that turned men away. I can understand you're tired of being an old maid, but did you have to pick him? Surely the pain of being alone is easier to bear than the stigma of being with someone like him."

Justin stepped toward her. "Just one damn minute, Colleen."

"Justin, no." Megan motioned him to stay back. She advanced toward her sister. "I won't listen to your lies," she said. "I don't believe you anymore. You'll say anything to make me pay attention to you, but it's too late. As for my choosing Justin... It's the smartest thing I've ever done. I wish I'd done it years ago."

Colleen laughed. "You think you know everything, Megan, but you don't. He's making a fool of you. Everyone in town knows. Everyone is laughing. Megan Bartlett, that fussy old maid, is chasing after the handsome sheriff. He's using you to help him with that bastard brat and you think he really cares. The whole town is laughing at you. I pity you. I've always pitied you."

Justin reached toward Megan, but she slipped from his grasp and ran to the door. She pushed past Colleen and ran down the boardwalk. A quick glance told him she was in tears.

He started to go after her, but Colleen closed the door

m the inside and leaned against it. "She doesn't need

u," she said.

"Get out of my way." He stalked over to her and glared own menacingly.

You don't frighten me." She smiled a cold sickening It was as if she were that five-year-old girl again,

lisping along with the other children in the school yard, singing "Justin is a bastard" in that endless refrain.

"Get out of my way."

She stepped aside. "Don't bother going after her. It's too late. You see, she can't be with you now. She'll never believe they aren't laughing. Even you can't fight that."

"She doesn't trust your lies anymore."

Colleen smiled again. "We'll see. Megan has always been easily controlled. A little rebellious from time to time, but she'll get over it."

"You really hate her."

"Of course not. I love her. She's my sister. I'm doing this for her own good."

Chapter Eleven

JVlegan stumbled through the back door of her store and hurried to her small office. Once inside, she turned the key in the lock, then leaned against the smooth wood. Her heart continued to pound wildly in her chest, her throat hurt and her eyelids felt puffy.

Yet none of that compared to the ache in her chest or the heat of the shame that continued to flow through her.

"Everyone knows the fussy old maid is chasing after the handsome sheriff. The whole town is laughing." Colleen's voice filled the small space as the words repeated over and over in Megan's mind.

She closed her eyes, but that didn't shut out the vision of people laughing. It didn't stop her from wondering if Justin found her pitiful. What if he did? What if he was using her as a source of amusement while he was here? She raised her hands to her face and cupped her flushed cheeks. Please, Lord, it couldn't be true. Not Justin. Anything but that.

Then she remembered what had happened just before Colleen had walked in. How she'd pulled him close and kissed him. Like some wanton. She'd thrust herself at him. What if he hadn't really wanted to kiss her back? What if he'd acted out of pity?

Tags: Susan Mallery Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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